Chapter 6 Kristoph

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I didn't know what to think about the Prophet that is in this school. As soon as we got home, both Aaron and I were going to my father and talk to him about this Prophet. I was pretty sure that after he hears about this, that he is going to demand an audience with her.

And then their was the whole deal with being Aaron girlfriend, I knew that we were just friends, I wasn't afraid to kiss him in front of humans, but I knew that is my father ever learn of this, he might demand something that neither of us are ready for.

I waited for that final bell to ring so that I could go home and tell my father about Faye, I knew that I still had 20 minutes and I didn't want to wait that long.

"Alesia, can you please tell me what we are talking about?" I looked up at my new teacher, Mrs. Roock,

"Math." I knew that was obvious answer, but I couldn't remember what she was talking about... until I took a glance at the board. Some of the Kids in my class were laughing.

"I know that, what Math we are Talking about?" she asks.

"Parabolas using positive and negative numbers." I gave her my best and innocent smile. The teach turned around and finished work mumbling a quick apology before working on the rest of the problem on the board.

By the time class was over I was ready to go home, I really wanted to tell my father about Faye. I knew that I should tell him about the dream I had, but I didn't know how to go about starting this one. At least with the discussion about Faye I could tell him it that a human at our new school was having prophetic dreams. I wasn't ready to talk about my dream with my father. It was already enough right now for me to trust him just a bit, enough to know that he is here, but not that he would be with me for the rest of my life.

"You ready to go home?" Aaron asked once he was close enough. I nodded and got into the car. The same car that I was in when they took me from the hospital back to my father.

"You know, your father is going to want to see her." He said, replaying my thought that I had earlier.

I nodded once again, "Do you think he would tell her about us, reveal that the maybe war is going to deal with pixies and fairies?"

"I am not; sure, I do believe you maybe right. If this is a real Prophet, then she is an asset to us no matter if she was human or not." He told me.

"Oh, I guess that is good... I think." I turned to the window as I had this morning and watch at the houses and trees that we passed.

The rest of the ride was silent until we got back to the mansion where both of our families were waiting.

"So how was your first day of school?" Mt father asked. Both Aaron and I looked at each other; I had a slight blush while Aaron gave a smirk.

"It was fine... except for an interesting human," Aaron said. "We think that she is a prophet."

"A prophet, How do you know?" my father asked.

"She told us of a war that is to come with people flying, she said she dreamt it." I filled in.

My father looked thoughtful as he paced, after a while he stopped and turned to look at us. "I want you to invite her over tomorrow, just her, no one else. We do not need any more humans knowing about this. If so all hell will break loose."

We both nodded before heading of in different directions to our own rooms. I tossed my bag on my bed before changing out of my uniform and releasing my wings and placing on a tank top letting my wings hang out before heading over to Aaron's room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open the door.

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