Chapter 5 - Back to School.

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I was aware that someone was in the room with me and was sitting on my bed, I tried to move, but was hit with pain where I was kicked and it hurt. "Alesia, are you in pain?"

I wanted to lie, tell him that is I was alright, but I knew that I was a horrible liar. I stayed in bed and nodded. I tried moving again, but was unsuccessful again. It hurt to breath, I underestimated the kick I had received and the bruise on my face wasn't feeling great at all either.

"Do you want me to get your father?" Aaron asked getting from the end of my bed and walking where I could see him. He crouched down and looked me in the eyes.

I nodded, I knew my father would know what to do; he always made me feel better. Aaron nodded, stood up and left the room. I stood still. Any movement hurt.

In the corner of my eyes I saw my father run into the room with Aaron and his mother. My father was the first to reach me. "Allie, are you alright?"

I shook my head; I tried moving but was overcome with spasms of pain. I let a few tears and stood still, even if it was uncomfortable. "It hurts." I wheezed.

He nodded, and stood up. "Kenwa, can you come here and help?" he asked. Aaron mother walked over and stood next to her.

"Alesia, this is going to hurt, but I need to lay you on your back and check over the damage before I can start working." She told me. I nodded and held my breath as she grabbed my shoulders and rolled my on my back. My body protested with pain. I screamed and cried, begging her to stop. She continued moving me until I was completely on my back looking up at the ceiling. The sobs that I let out created pain for my chest, but I couldn't stop.

"Alesia, Sweetie, I need you to calm down and take a deep breath for me." Kenwa told me.

It took me about a couple tries until I was in less pain and was breathing that I didn't hurt me as much as it did earlier. Kenwa asked the guys to leave and help me remove the clothing I was wearing leaving me in just my undergarments. She looked al over my body pressing on some spots where she told me it was going to be tender and worked her magic, healing the bruises.

Her last spots were my face and stomach, the places that held that biggest and painful bruises. She started with my face carefully probing it with her fingers. I flinched when she pressed to hard. She gave me a sorry look before placing her hand on my face.

I felt warmth from her hand to my face before she removed it and probed my face again. It was less painful but I could still feel it. She worked on my stomach next doing the same treatment only using two hands this time. It took longer and the heat was hotter then before. But I could feel as the pain in my stomach disappeared.

Kenwa stood up and gave me a smile, the caressed my hair before helping me and placing some clothes back on before placing me back in bed. "Rest now little one, you are going to need it." She told me kindly.

I nodded and closed my eyes, aware that my father and Aaron were in my room before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke the next morning disoriented, but the pain that I was in yesterday was now just a sliver. Today I was able to sit up and stand. There was no one in the room, other then me. I walked out of my room and into the hallway. I made it to my father's room wondering where everyone was. I knocked on the door and in an instant the door opened quickly to see my father. He took one glance at me before pulling me in his arms. "Alesia, are you in pain?" he asked.

I shook my head and walked into the room and sat on his bed. I stared at him as he walked over to me. "I don't think the fairies are that bad." I told him. "They are having problems on their side just as they are on our side."

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