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Wynter Eloise
2 months later (:

" Please hold that pose for me- yes. Tilt your head just a bi- yes! "

Here i was , doing a modeling gig for Victoria secret. Something I enjoyed. Modeling was my transformation into everything I wish I could be.

Sexy . Bold. Besutiful. Daring. Equal. Etc.

I was confident when I modeled .

" We need more lighting under her face! Self portraits in 10! he screamed while snapping as people scurried to their jobs while i welcomed myself to the food table.

I picked up a little fruit bowl and ate that while drinking very little water. If you drink a lot. , you cant hold your posture and it shows , badly. Making the entire portrait look like a disaster .

" So , how's my wynter doing? " My partner D'angelo saids while he hugs me slightly from the side. Flipping his long weave over his broad shoulders.

He was gay if i havent made it obvious.

" Im doing just fine. How's my Angie ? I havent seen you since our shoot in paris a couple months back. " i pouted , standing to my tippy toes to hug him.

" I know ! it's always fun doing shoots with you boo. But i must say , honey you look so delicious in this lingerie goural! ( girl lol ) Honey makes me want to be straight! " he boosts.

I blush and giggle at him. Whenever he was around , he made me feel confident. I like having him around. My sweet Ang.

" Stop it. Im blushing. " i say as i rubbed my  cheeks as they lit up.

" Now , now. You know i have to. My little minion looks all sad. " he saids as he stroked my chin.

" I'm not sad. Im not necessarily all jolly  but i'm happy i guess. " i say as i smile thinking about August.

" Oh no. Bitch SPILL IT! " he saids as he was excited.

" ANGIE ! " i say shushing him.

" Tell me bitch! Don't leave any details out! " he saids smiling.

" Take me to lunch and i will. But now , I seriously need to go change clothes. I have a new set. "

" Mm. Okay. Go fuck it up girl! " he saids as we part and look back and smile.


" Hol' up goural. You mean to tell me , Layla just bippity boppity POPPED up at your place , copped an attitude, Then had the audacity to call September out on some he said she said shit? " D'angelo summarized.

" His name is August Angie. " i say laughing.

" August, September, November, same difference. " he fanned as he sipped on his mango tea.

" But yes. She made him feel some type of way. He didnt tell me , but i can see it in his eyes. " I reasoned , remembering the painful judgment in his eyes. I felt sorry for August. He was so sweet . How could i not?

" Uhn uhn! I love me some Layla , but she know damn well shes wrong. " he agrees.

" Same here. We havent talked since that happened , which was almost 3 weeks ago. I miss my bestfriend, she was my sister, but shes trippin' " I say

Insecurities| August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now