epilogue: the next morning

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while we lay in bed i caressed koumei's chest as he played with my hair. then a question came to mind.

"hey Mei." he hummed in response.

"this morning when i was changing and you were bathing i heard a moan come from the bathroom." he automatically stiffened.

"tell me what do you do with those women in the bathroom?" he went to get up but i pulled him back by his ponytail.

"oh so you do bang them don't you?" i teased.


"i bet you do it every single day don't you?" his face became redder as his heart beat faster.

"oh you pervert you." i leaned up to his ear. 

"you know. i can be twice as seductive as them." he shivered and i knew that i had him in my grasp. i placed my hand on his chest and trailed lower until i reached his stomach and then........... i punched him. he pulled back in pain and held his stomach. i chuckled.

"You know when we have a child of our own i'm going to tell them this as a bedtime story." his head snapped to me in shock.

"yup i said it. believe me koumei you'll never live this down. especially since kouen kouha kougyoku and hakuryuu are all outside the door.

"WHAT?!" just then the door opened to to reveal the rest of the Rens while i just laughed uncontrollably.

"heh?! i never knew you were so perverted onii-chan." said kougyoku and kouha as kouen just stared at koumei with an Unidentifiable look. i laughed so hard that i hit the floor  with a thump and knocked out.

(half an hour later)

i woke up to a bright light and noticed that i was in one of the guest rooms. i looked around and saw the whole ren family looking at me.

"(y/n) how are you feeling?" asked koumei as he touched my head. i stared at him with a blank face before remembering what happened earlier.

"you bang maids!" i yelled before laughing again. koumei, kouha, kougyoku, and hakuryuu sweat dropped. while kouen walked out the room lightly chuckling to himself.

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