One- The Cat Who Stayed Awake

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For years and years, wizards and witches all around the world figured that Hairy Pawter, The Cat Who Stayed Awake, would be hidden in some secret hideaway in a dark forest. Apparently, they were wrong. Hairy Pawter has lived his life in a cage, mistreated by his muggle owners and snuggle friends in a lonely village called Private Steer 

Three small figures in small cloaks passed by Private Steer. One was holding a week old kitten. It was a thin kitten with brown, fluffy fur. The other two figures seemed to be pleased with the area and took off their cloaks. They were cats, too.

"We musn't awaken the kitten,"said an old, white cat, Professor Dumbleroar quietly but sternly."We also shouldn't be seen by the muggles and snuggles."

"Oh my, Professor! Are you sure you will let him stay in this muggle house? Do you think they'll recognise its their sister's cat?"inquired Professor MeowGonagall, a small, old, grey cat.

"He'll be alrigh', righ'?" asked a large cat named Chagrid. 

"He will be fine, MeowGonagall, Chagrid," replied Dumbleroar calmly." The muggles and snuggles there should treat him right."

They slowly walked into the tall, uncut grass of number four, Private Steer. Like magic, MeowGonagall turned a dusty watering can into a pillow, and settled in below kitten Hairy's furry head. Dumbleroar pulled out a soft blanket for Hairy and kept him safely in Chargid's paws. Slowly, the three cats put kitten Hairy on the front porch of number four, Private Steer.

"I'm so sad to leave him in this muggle house,"said Chagrid, sobbing."I can't stand it! With his parents dead I....I..."

"Be quiet Chagrid! You might wake the kitten!"warned MeowGonagall. Chagrid suddenly went quiet.

The muggles in number four Private Steer, woke up because of the meowing outside. Out of all the Dufleys in the house, Mr. Dufley was the most angry. He opened his bedroom window and shouted, "HEY YOU FILTHY ANIMALS! WILL YOU SHUT UP? STOP YOUR FREAKING MEOWS!"scaring the three (cats) two floors below.

"Oh No! S' bad idea, Dumbleroar," said Chagrid." That muggle looks nowhere near a nice owner, ya' know."

"He will just have to get to know the kitten, Chagrid," replied Dumbleroar. "It takes time,"

I will be expecting to see you, Hairy, at one years old, at Catswell," Dumbleroar whispered to Hairy. He stared at the lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead, and MeowGonagall asked,"Is that where-"

"Yes, MeowGonagall, he will have that forever," MeowGonagall looked shuddered."Um..yes...forever." 

We shall leave now MeowGonagall, Chagrid,"said Dumbleroar."I will be seeing you soon,"

And with that, they disappeared into the night.

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