Three-Owls Everywhere

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Hairy's first birthday was approaching, but still, not a single feeling of happiness was felt for Hairy. The Dufleys never cared about Hairy's age. Even if Hairy was already celebrating his third birthday, the Dufleys still wouldn't care.

Hairy recieved an old sleeping sock from the Dufleys. Hairy didn't expect much anyway, so he continued eating his breakfast. He was about to finish when a letter came flying through the window into Hairy's paws.

To Mr H. Pawter

The Cardboard box in the Storage Room

4 Private Steer

Tiny Wingings

Hairy flipped the letter and saw a stamped letter "C" closing it. He didn't think that anyone would write to him. He actually felt a bit special.

"Mr Dufley! Mr Dufley! The letter is for HAIRY!"warned Flufley.

"Nonsense! Who would ever write to Hairy?"retorted Mr Dufley, snatching the letter from Hairy's paws.

Mr Dufley stared at the letter for two minutes, then shot horrified look at Mrs Dufley and Hairy. He looked so angry for no apparent reason and shouted,"HAIRY, FLUFLEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE MOVING! AND DON'T YOU DARE ASK ANY QUESTIONS! WE HAVE TEN MINUTES TO PACK!"

Everyone was surprised and packed anything that fitted in their luggages. Dufley was almost crying because he couldn't bring his favorite video game console to wherever they were going. Mrs Dufley really liked her empty trinket box, so she brought it anyway for no reason. It made her trunk almost as big as Mr Dufley. Hairy brought everything he owned because it can fit into his small trunk. He didn't have alot. After ten minutes, everyone was fully packed and ran into the Dufley's car.

"Where are we going, Mr Dufley?"asked Flufley, concerned and curious.

"I said NO QUESTIONS!" retorted Mr Dufley.

Does he always have to shout?

Three hours later they arrived at a small hotel type building. Hairy was so happy he didn't have to hear Flufley's complains about where they were going anymore. It didn't take too long before a room service person asked,

"Is there anyone named Pawter around here? He's got mail from an owl!" said the person.

Hairy snatched the letter the person showed and he didn't believe what he saw. It said:

To Mr H. Pawter

Room 71

Beachside Hotel


Mr Dufley snatched the letter from Hairy again and became so furious, his whole face turned red. He looked more dangerous than an exploding volcano because, well, no one can doubt that he is one.

"Do you think 'they' might be following us?" Mr Dufley whispered to Mrs Dufley, curiously.

"Well I do not know, honey," Mrs Dufley replied. "Anyway, we should leave!"

Hairy and Flufley exchanged shocked looks and shot an "are you serious?" look at Mr Dufley.

"What are you guys waiting for?! Pack your bags, we're moving AGAIN!" said Mr Dufley.

Bags packed, they raced to the car and stayed quiet until they reached their next destination. Hairy was thinking about what was inside the letter meant for him. The letter was in Mr Dufley's pocket. If only he could use magic to get it....

The Dufley's car stopped. It was in front of an old, shabby, house. Actually, Hairy couldn't call it a proper house. It looked like a failed one. The windows were broken, there were no light sources except five candles, and the door looked like it was about to fall off.

"They will never find us here," whispered Mr Dufley to Mrs Dufley.

Hairy heard it, and pondered long enough until he was distracted by Mr Dufley's snoring. Everyone was asleep. Hairy realised that it was five minutes until his birthday. Four minutes-three-two-


Something pushed the door, causing it to break. It was huge. Almost looked like a giant.

"Hiya Hairy! S' been quite a while!"

Hairy Pawter and the Sorcerer's RockWhere stories live. Discover now