Two-Ten Years Later

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"HAIRY, YOU FOUL CAT! WAKE UP NOW OR YOU WON'T GET BREAKFAST!"screamed Mr Dufley from the living room. He got out from his cardboard box in the storage room and ran to the living room to eat. It turns out that Flufley, Mr. and Mrs. Dufley's cat already ate Hairy's breakfast.

"YOU WERE TOO LATE! FLUFLEY ALREADY ATE YOUR FOOD SO GO BACK INTO YOUR BOX BEFORE I KICK YOU!" shouted Mr Dufley, disgusted." I never knew why your old owner (and your own mum) decided to get you or why we decided to keep you, ich."

Hairy went back to his box gloomily.


The next day, it was Flufley's birthday, so Mr Dufley and Flufley wanted to go to the park. For some reason, Mr Dufley brought Hairy along, too. Flufley kept meowing, hissing, and complaining about how long it takes to get to the park. Mr Dufley was so annoyed by this he almost threw Flufley out of the car. But after all the arguing, they still ended up in the right place (the park). 

In the park, Flufley was about to run to his other feline friends but a snake in a glass room caught his eye. Hairy went to see it too. He asked the snake,"How're you? It looks lonely there alone, is it?"

To his surprise, the snake replied,"Yes, it is very lonel-"

Flufley pushed Hairy and watched the snake. It didnt move at Flufley's commands.

"HEY! YOU SNAKE! WHY DON'T YOU EVER MOVE! MR DUFLEY! MAKE THIS SNAKE MOVE!"shouted Flufley, hitting the glass.

Hairy was so furious, he felt like he wanted to break the glass and set the snake free from its cage and away from Flufley.

CRASH. To Hairy's surprise, the glass shattered into milions of pieces. Flufley fell into the glass cage and the snake slithered out of it.

"Thank you, boy," the snake hissed."I shall take my leave. Goodbye."

Hairy left the park happily, with Flufley soaking wet after falling into the snake's wet cage.

Hairy Pawter and the Sorcerer's RockKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat