Even though it was only mid February of my freshmen year at Ridgeview High school, trouble already found me. Me, the unassuming, relatively quiet, average height girl named Levy Wade seemed to be a magnet for bullies and taunts. For example, you might want to take a look at my whole life, or at least one of my shittier mornings...

 "No...no no nO!," I gasped, sticking my feet in front of me and trashing. Her grip on my arm just became harder. I wanted to get away or hit her, but my arms were like noodles. That made me the perfect prey for bullies.

"Oh shut up Levy," She hissed. One of her cronies gleefully called me some words that I hardly heard, but I had a feeling it was better that I hadn't heard them anyways. 

"Let go of me you son of a-," With a strategic shove, I flew forwards and landed hard in a dark, enclosed space. Someone's locker. Crap.

At this time I there were two things I hated:

The obvious being Lisa Jane Knox, the idiot who threw me in here.

The second being whoever thought it would be a great idea to put lockers big enough to fit a person, in the school hallways.  

I sat there listening to my breathing for maybe a minute. I pressed against the worn metal of the locker, but it was shut tight. The laughter of Lisa and her buddies faded down the hallway. I was about to reach into my backpack to get my phone, but then I remembered my backpack was in the hallway on the floor. On top of it all, the only light came from the small grilles on the locker's door. I slumped. Someone was bound to find me, right? I mean, school just started. Whoever owns this locker has gotta come here eventually. Unless they're absent, or don't need to, or maybe no one car- 

"Shut it," I told myself. 

I sat there for a good twenty minutes at least before I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Perking up I banged on the stupid metal door and yelled.

"Hey! Hey over here! Hello! Hola! Help me!" 

The footsteps stoped. Right outside the locker. 

"Um... is there a person in here? Or is this some sick joke," The voice outside the locker asked. It sounded muffled.

"Um, yeah I'm very much a person, but Lisa Knox obviously thinks I'm a joke so..." I trailed on.

"Dang, how the hell did you get in here? Ya know what? I don't wanna know. I'll go get Tom," The muffled voice was giggling to his/herself all the way down the hallway. Great. Go get Tom, whoever that was.

It didn't take long. I heard their laughter all the way down the hallway. They stopped infront of the locker. Someone started jiggling the lock on the locker. The door swung open, and I tumbled out into the harsh lighting of the hallway. 

"Thanks," I groaned.

"Oh don't even mention it. That was the funniest thing I'm gonna see all day!" The voice I heard earlier laughed more to herself. The girl had an odd accent, and I couldn't place it. The guy she brought with her, Tom probably, handed me my bag. I couldn't help but notice the two had the same blond hair and tawny eyes. They were probably siblings. I shook my head, realizing I had been staring. I shouldered my backpack.

"Thanks again," I sighed. The two of them continued giggling as I walked down the hallway. I didn't need a watch to know I was a good ten minutes late to class. 


"In the last lesson we learned that the ancient Greeks were an advanced people. Now can anyone tell me one of the many accomplishments of the Gree-" My teacher was interrupted by me entering the room. He raised an eyebrow. Ignoring him, I took my usual seat in the back of the room next to one of my only friends, Gina Johnson. 

"Why do you smell like feet?" She whispered to me.

"Not now," I hissed back, feeling my teacher, Mr. Foss, glaring at me.

"Maybe one of the young ladies in the back can give me an answer," Mr. Foss said. The class whirled around to look at us. Thank gosh Gina pays attention in class.

"They had many philosophers, and a strong governme-" I stopped listening to Gina recite the textbook. Instead I doodled in my notebook. 

It was a long two hours.


"So, why do you smell like feet?" Gina asked as we left class. She flicked a long strand of auburn hair out of her face. 

"Lisa shoved me into the freaking locker this morning. It was awful."

"Oh," was the only thing Gina replied with. I was secretly glad she wasn't laughing at me right now, since in about an hour nearly everyone in the school was bound to know about the "locker girl". I was already catching people staring at me in the hallway. We made our way outside the building and into a small courtyard. This was our usual haunt. It was either this or the choir room, but the choir room was used on Monday at break. We just sat down and started to discuss ways (that were hardly possible to execute) to wreak revenge on Lisa when my wrist began to itch really badly. I glanced at my right wrist. The skin was pink and blotchy. 

"And then we could- hey, are you okay?" Gina asked.

"Yeah, I think I got some rash from the locker. I'm fine," I replied, pulling my sweatshirt over my hand. 

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