I followed her as she strode through the hallway. 

"How are we gonna escape?" I asked. Tristen didn't respond. If anything she started walking faster.

"Can... you... slow down!" I panted jogging beside her. We turned into another hallway. There was a door leading outside at the end of it. Suddenly, Tristen stopped. 

"Why did we stop?" I asked. I was probably becoming annoying, but to be honest I could care less. 

"Hello?" I peeped. Tristen was standing so still she could pass for a statue. "Um... Ms. Clyde wh-"

"Can you shut up. I'm concentrating," She hissed at me. She flicked her wrists once and the jingling of her bracelets sounded amplified next to the dead silent hallway. Suddenly, it was if a power surge had hit the building. The lights flickered and died, and the red lights on the cameras went black. 

"Woah... I wanna do that!" I gasped. 

"Glad to see you're impressed. Not many people are since my power is rendered useless away from technology. I'm not much to admire. Besides, I can only control small surges of power," She sighed, but she looked pleased. She then turned back towards the door.

"Now, we can go," She said with satisfaction. She pushed open the door, but no one noticed. Without the security cameras, no one will no we're gone. For a while at least.

While we made the short walk to her car, I couldn't help but marvel at how easily she disabled those cameras. Another thing that amazed me was that when she used her power, her left leg began to glow. Not all of it, but just little parts. As if she had glowing tattoos. It's not like I was staring at her leg or anything, but it's hard to ignore your ex-teacher's leg if it's glowing through her pants. 

"Get in," Tristen commanded me. I ducked into her light blue Prius. She slid into the car from the other door and shut it hard behind her. She then pulled out of the parking spot and into the street. We tore down the street, and as Tristen drove, I stared out the window. I suddenly felt nervous. Just don't scream and you'll be fine. 

I continued studying the scenery. Suddenly, the said scenery became rather familiar. 

"Why are we going to my house?" I blurted. 

"I am not taking you to another dimension without your mother knowing. Duh," Tristen replied. She made it sound so obvious.  

"B-but what if she doesn't let me go?" I stammered. 

"Then that's your problem."

I huffed. Why did everything just become so much harder? 


I sunk low in my seat as my house slide into view. Two stories, with a delightful little garden out front, it looked warm and welcoming from the street. 

For me... well, I hoped my mom didn't blow a gasket. 

Tristen parked the car in the street in front of my house. Shakily, I stepped out of the car.

"Is it too late to just... leave and not tell my mom?" I peeped hopefully. 

"Still taking you to your mom," Tristen replied with a smirk on her face. She turned and headed up to my door. Groaning, I followed her. Something told me this wasn't going to end well.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm tired (and lazy), but I felt like I would be slacking if I didn't post. I promise next chapter will be better and longer. Hopefully. Thanks for reading and voting <3


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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