I couldn't just spend the rest of my life in the choir room, but I didn't know what to do. My best friend just told me to take a hike, my arm was itchy and burned like hell, Lisa was probably going to find out that I'm now friendless and torture me for it, and not even an hour ago I learned about another dimension. 

Maybe if you apologize... the logical side of my mind prompted. No. Gina told me not to find her again anyways. I sighed. Opening the door of the choir room, I headed to the bathrooms to wash myself up. 

My thoughts were scattered as I walked. What was I going to do? All I knew was I wanted to leave. Maybe I was overreacting, but if you were in my shoes, you'd probably be ticked off too. 

I reached the bathroom. I walked up to a mirror that lined the wall above the sink and wiped the tears of my cheeks. Wiping my face with a wet paper towel, I came to a realization. I could  leave. I could disappear into Eelir, should such a place exist, and forget about everything. But then again, maybe I was just overreacting. I scratched my arm while I paced on the cool tile floor. 

Ask to goooo one side of my mind begged.

But then you'll appear weak, dumbass the other half argued.


"Shut up me," I huffed. I thought it wasn't a great sign that I was so stuck in my mind. Pacing a bit more, I came to a conclusion. I have to go to Eelir sooner or later. Might as well go now. 

Taking a deep breath, I left the bathroom with my forearm burning. 


I contemplated my decision one more time before I walked into Ms. Clyde's/Tristen's office. I glanced at my watch. I only had five minutes of lunch period left. It was either go now or lose an opportunity. 

"Here we go," I sighed as I grasped the door. I swung it open.

"Oh... hi again Levy," Tristen said, hardly looking up from her papers. 

"Hi umm... Tristen. I'm still allowed to call you that right?"

"Of course," She laughed, setting down her papers.

"Can I request something from you?" I asked nervously.

"If it's reasonable, sure," Tristen replied. Her look became quizzical.

"I want to go to Eelir."

There was silence for a good two minutes.

"Levy, it doesn't work that way," Tristen said. I felt like someone knocked the wind out of me.

"W-why not?" I asked.

"I am restricted to being able to travel back to Eelir only once a month. I can't risk going back then getting stuck here for nearly all of February. Besides, school is already started there, so you'd be a month behind," She clarified. I felt sorta crushed.

"Oh. But... are you sure?" I asked hopefully.

"Well... I do have that powder...," Tristen said to herself.

"Powder?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Well yes," Tristen stopped short and check her watch. "If we leave now we can probably get away with this. Now listen carefully, this will get you to where you belong."

Ice EtchingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz