"So? How'd it go?" Gina asked me cooly as I sat down in Social Studies.

"Um... great. She just wanted to go over one of my grades with me," I shrugged. I hoped I was a better lier than I thought. 

"For an hour?"


"Okay," Gina turned to face the front of the classroom again. I had a sinking feeling she knew I was lying, but I tried to ignore it. 

She didn't wait for me after Social Studies. Instead she set off quickly to Science, leaving me in the classroom. I didn't understand why she took everything so personally all of a sudden. She was also acting rather cold. Something was up. 

I shook myself back to reality. As sucky as life was, it would be sucky-er if I was late to Science. Mrs. Klein wasn't very forgiving. Shouldering my bag I jogged down the hallway.


"Did you hear?"

"No, what's up?"

"I heard Gina Johnson, you know, the nerd girl, was caught making out with Flint Lacasse!"

"Ew that pimply freak? She has to have some standards"

"Obviously she doesn't."

I heard snippets of whispers floating around the room when I walked in, but I didn't understand most of them. I could feel people staring at me when I sat down. Part of me wondered why. I pulled out my notebook and started copying the notes down from  the board, when I realized something. Gina, who usually sat next to me, wasn't even in the classroom, and she left Social Studies way before me. I had to fight the urge to go and figure out where she went. Then I remembered how offhanded she was to me in Social Studies. Deciding I no longer cared, I went back to taking notes.

After a grueling hour of Science, I dragged myself out the door of the classroom feeling drained and dead inside. Ignoring everything around me, I kept forging through the crowd. My thoughts were solely on the conversation with Ms. Clyde, I mean, Tristen, during break. 

"Hey mute," A giggle voice came from behind me. This shattered my thoughts.

"What do you want Lisa," I snapped. I've had it with today. Everything was off. I wanted to go home and eat a plate of brownies and drown out my crazy day with a movie. But noooo that actual ass of a girl, Lisa Knox, just had to track me down. Again.

"Oohh she speaks!" Lisa cried. Some girls around her started to laugh. 

"Well, I think it's better to be a mute than a dumbass. I know enough dumbasses without having to become one," I snapped again. Turning I kept forging through the crowd. I heard people following me. I didn't have to look behind me to know who it was. A hand caught me and jerked me around. To my displeasure, that perfectly manicured hand belonged to Lisa, and not even the pound of makeup on her face could cover up the ugly sneer on her face.

"Where's your friend? Must be lonely without her," She said under her breath. I must've looked confused, because she started to laugh. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, trying to pull away from her. I cursed myself. I should've went after Gina. Lord knows what happened to her. Whatever Lisa did to her, it must've been bad.

"Well, I don't blame you for not going after her. I mean, who wants the sluttiest girl in the school as their bestie," one of Lisa's buddies. 

"What?" I asked. I probably sounded confused. Hell, I was confused. Gina was the type of girl who would hide from drama and guy problems. Suddenly, all I knew is that I needed to find Gina and figure out what was up. I dropped my bag and ran down the hallway, hearing jeering and laughter behind me. 

I practically flew to the choir room, which was probably the best hiding space in the school. I skidded to a halt outside the door. Panting, I stepped into the room.

"Gina! What happened!" I said just a bit louder than my normal voice. All I got were sobs in reply. I walked towards the piano, and sure enough, there she was. She was shredding paper absentmindedly while tears fell down her face.

"Um... Gina?" I asked.

"G-get away from me," She hiccuped. I stopped short. What did I do. Once again I cursed Lisa.

"Gina... what's wrong?"

"I said get away from me!" She shakily stood up. Her usually perfect auburn hair was a mess. 

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Everything. You c-completely ruined my reputation with freaking rumors. Disgusting rumors. Then you go and start k-keeping secret from me! Do you not know when to stop?" She wailed. Rumors? I didn't spread rumors. I was holed up in Ms. Clyde's room learning about another dimension that was suddenly sounding very inviting. If I did have a power, it would be the ability to screw things up really easily

"That... that's not true!" I tried explain.

"Bye Levy, and don't bother looking for me again," Gina growled as she left the room, leaving me standing in a dark choir room. I cursed myself for it, but I started to cry.  Suddenly everything clicked. Lisa spread the rumors while I was gone, and blamed it on me. My life was a mess.

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