Lately, I've Been, I've Been Losing Sleep

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 You turned over, reaching for warmth... his warmth. Only to be disappointed when you found coldness, instead of your lover. You sat up in alarm, eyes going wide as you scanned the room for him. With no luck you immediately checked the bathroom. Finding it empty you began to panic, when finally you caught sight of him leaning calmly on the balcony railing, looking over the cars that were rushing below despite the late hour, drinking a steaming cup of his favorite tea. You sighed in relief, quite close to tears as you shakily poured yourself a mug of the same tea.

Wiping your few tears with the sleeve of his large, purple sweatshirt, you made your way out onto the balcony as well, not even startling him.

"Ichi? A-are you alright?" You asked, your voice cracking slightly.

Ichimatsu shrugged as he continued to stare into the Tokyo city lights. You bit your lip, nodding your head, joining Ichimatsu at the balcony railing. Unconsciously you started to shake, letting a few tears slip from your eyes and onto the railing, making Ichimatsu turn towards you with a slightly worried look.

"Kitten what's wrong?" he spoke, setting his cup down just in time before you glomped him and began to sob uncontrollably.

Ichimatsu comfortingly ran his fingers through your hair and embracing you tightly, as your body continued to be racked with sobs.

"Y-you promised!" Was all that you could get out before breaking down again.

Ichimatsu's eyes went wide, remembering the pain, and sadness that he had put you through as well as the promise he had made afterward. At that Ichimatsu, hugged you tighter as his own tears mixed with yours.

"No no no no no! Kitten! I promise I wasn't thinking about that at all! I'm so sorry that I scared you! Please forgive me..." Ichi began littering your face with kisses, gently picking you up bridal style and carrying you inside.

"I promised and I will keep that promise! I love you my kitten!" Ichimatsu whispered lovingly, laying you on the bed and soon joining after closing and locking the balcony door. He pulled you close, allowing you to cry into his chest, while he cuddled you to no end.

"I love you Y/N and there is nothing in this world that can change that!"

So here is the first chapter, I really hope you all enjoyed!!! I will be posting the next chapter on next Friday and on the Friday after that I will be posting the next chapter and so on and so forth. (Basically I will be posting the next chapter every Friday) This is sort of a side story for you guys while I am writing up my next (original) story!!! But for now enjoy and don't be afraid to vote and comment!!! I love you all my little mini muffins!!! See you guys in the next chapter!!!


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