Said No More Counting Dollars

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 Finally rid of Osomatsu, you made your way over to the local sushi shop. Ordering a few of your's and Ichimatsu's favorite sushi rolls, you made your way back to the apartment, carefully avoiding the restaurant windows so as to make the sushi a surprise lunch!

Quietly squealing on the way up the stairs, you quickly pulled out your keys and unlocked the door once again and opened it bumping into another figure.

"Why does this keep happening...?" You asked out loud as your eyes met with a confused Ichimatsu.

"What's in the bag?" He asked curiously.

You giggled, skipping into the kitchen and pulling out the few boxes of sushi rolls. You looked over your shoulder just in time to catch Ichimatsu's grin at the sight of his favorite sushi! You let out a small squeak as Ichimatsu hugged you from behind and sneakily reached for a piece of sushi.

"Matsuno Ichimatsu! Hang on!" You playfully chastised, taking your own piece of sushi and popping it into your mouth.

"Anyway what do you want to show me?" You mumbled through the sushi. At that you felt Ichimatsu stiffen up a little then peer out the window.

"It's not time yet." Ichimatsu stated, taking another sushi into his mouth. You sighed.

"Alright, alright you can have your sushi now! Crazy!" You set down the plates of sushi at the table and gasped as Ichi immediately devoured most of it.

"What the...? Well I guess that means you liked it?!" You asked with a laugh as Ichimatsu purred lovingly, while gobbling up the rest of the sushi bits.

***Three hours later***

"Kitten... Kitten! It's time to go now. Wake up!" Ichimatsu gently shook you awake, and you glanced over at the clock. It was almost midnight! 11:30 to be exact...

"Ichi? Why so late at night?" You yawned, slowly getting dressed. Ichimatsu just gave you a small smile.

"You'll see, but you might want to hurry. We don't want to miss the train!" He exclaimed, packing a few snacks, two jackets and a blanket into a bag. Looking over to you once again, all dressed and ready to go, Ichimatsu took your hand and led you out the door and to the train station.

As you boarded the train to an unknown location, Ichimatsu cuddled you close and draped one of the jackets over your shoulders.

"You might get a little cold Kitten." Ichi said with worry, as the train started to move.

The strong power of the Tokyo lights soon faded into the distance as the train traveled further and further into the countryside of Japan. When finally the conductor called for the last stop, Ichimatsu led you off the train and onto the empty, dark platform.

"I-is this the place?" You asked, looking around for any sign of a cat, or something along the lines of that when suddenly Ichimatsu pulled you by your arm across the train tracks and up a small hill.

"No, this is." Ichimatsu whispered, laying the blanket across the thick carpet of grass and laying down, gesturing for you to join him.

You smiled and gently laid down next to him only to gasp, your eyes going wide. The sky was so alive and vibrant with millions of stars! Not long after, you saw a few shooting stars! You squealed in delight, pointing out each one you saw to Ichimatsu, who was smiling as he admired the night sky as well as your joy.

"I doubt I can even find the big dipper in this mess of beautiful stars!" You whispered as Ichimatsu took your hand, kissing the top lightly.

"This place is amazing Ichi!" You said turning to your lover with a grin.

"Ichi are you alright?" You asked, catching sight of his sad frown. Suddenly Ichimatsu broke down into tears.

"I'm sorry Kitten! I'm so sorry but I just couldn't help it! I'm so used to it that it just happened!" You instantly shot up, embracing Ichimatsu in a tight hug.

"W-what did you do Ichimatsu?" You asked fearfully, already kind of knowing what he did as he rolled up his sleeves, revealing twelve new cuts on his already scarred arms. Tears ran endlessly down Ichimatsu's cheeks.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was feeling before I decided to do something about it! I'm sorry Y/N! Please forgive m-!" You interrupted Ichimatsu's cries by gently kissing each one of his cuts and scars on both of his arms.

"It's alright Ichi... do you still have the razor?" You asked calmly, now carefully caressing his arms, placing a few kisses upon them every now and then. Ichimatsu nodded and retrieved it out of the bag, handing it to you so carefully as if he was afraid you were going to break if it touched you. Without looking at it you placed it beside you on the blanket and then began wiping Ichi's tears away.

"Now... tell me what you were feeling that made you do this." You whispered, awaiting patiently for the answer as Ichimatsu's tears continued to fall despite your efforts to wipe them away.

"I hate myself..." Ichimatsu said, voice cracking, "I'm costing you money and I barely work! Practically forcing you to work even more then you already do! You have to support the both of us while I keep on causing problems!"

At that Ichimatsu let out a loud sob and pulled you into a tight hug, still murmuring his worries.

"I don't deserve you! I don't deserve to live! I'm TRASH and always will be....!" He suddenly pulled away slightly and looked deep into your eyes, "Yet... you still say you love me and work everyday without complaint! How.. how do you do that?" Ichimatsu asked, never taking his eyes off of you.

"Ichi you know that I will always love you no matter what! I don't care if you think you are trash because I think you are the most important and beautiful person in this world! I work without complaining because I know at the end of the day I get to come home to you and feel happy! I love you Matsuno Ichimatsu and there is nothing you can do or say to change that!" You whispered confidently, meeting his eyes.

Ichimatsu began crying again and you pulled him close, letting him cry on your shoulder while whispering encouraging words into his ear and reminding him how much you love him.

Finally after a few more minutes of Ichimatsu's crying he spoke up.

"Do you want to know why I brought you out here my kitten?" Ichimatsu sniffed. You shook your head, smiling a bit now that he has calmed down.

"No, why?" You asked.

Ichimatsu pulled away once again laying back down on the blanket staring up longingly at the stars.

"I've decided that we shouldn't worry about money or anything anymore. From now on, no more counting dollars-"

"What do you mean Ichi?" You cut him off making him chuckle sadly.

"I mean... count the stars."

"We'll be counting stars..."

One more chapter and then it will be the end of this short story!!! XXD Then I will put up the first chapter of my second (only three chapters but it's my original short story) kind of distraction story. Then after that I will finally put the very first chapter of my original full length story!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next one my little mini muffins!!!


Counting Stars ~ Ichimatsu X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ