Chapter: 6

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I was inspired to write this story from a video. Warning: you may cry


Marco's P.O.V

   We sat down in the bleachers for the assembly. I didn't ask what it was about cause it was probably just a person who comes and gives us a boring speech about what to not do in life so you won't ruin it. People were talking around while they were getting ready for the person to speak. I was still mad at loner girl from yesterday and wanted to just get the test over with so I don't have to see her again.

   "What do you think it's going to be about this time?" Jackie asked bored. "I don't know," I replied then the principal stood in the front of the crowd. "Please give your full attention to the speaker," he said, "I want you all to have serious questions when our speaker is done." I was already bored and felt like sleeping with everyone else.

   The principal disappeared behind the bleachers and the sound of the microphone sounded like it was being passed on. We didn't see who it was but all I know was that at least we got to get out of our classes.

   "Hello everyone and thank you all for being here," that voice was familiar. That's when it hit me. "Most of you, well all of you see me as shy and lonely.." The loner girl walked out from behind the bleachers. "Do I look like I'm shy now, standing in front of all of you and talking?" We all were a bit surprised and some others were chuckling at her.

   "But do any of you know who I am or even my real name?" She asked but the whole room was silent. The reason was that no one knew her name and I'm the only one that has been around her the most yet still, I don't even know the first letter in her name. "Well let my tell you and introduce myself," she said, "My name is Star Butterfly, I'm seventeen and I........" She paused before continuing, "I used to be addicted to heroine."

   My shock can't even comprehend with everyone else's. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. The smartest and quietist person used to be addicted to drugs! "I'm going to tell you how it started and ended," she said, "When I was ten years old, I was the most popular girl in school, hard to imagine that isn't. Anyways, I met this guy named, Tom, he was a year older than me and we started to date a year later.

   When we started high school, Tom started to take heroine. I was only fourteen, a freshman when he convinced me to take some. At first, I refused to take any but that was until he told me, 'If you really love me, then you would take this.' So I did it cause I really did love him. After that, I couldn't stop and started to see less of my parents cause of school and parties. My grades were going down faster than you could ever imagine. My life was starting to crumble under my feet and I didn't know it until things got worse.

   My life was becoming something that I shouldn't have been. Then at a party, I see Tom kissing another girl so we broke up but that didn't stop my obsession. In fact, it increased because I was in pain so I took more than usual. I thought that was the worst thing ever until a couple weeks later. My father tried the heroine to see why I couldn't stop taking it. He went out to do something by driving and ended up crashing and p-passed away the n-next morning."

   Star's voice cracked a bit and I couldn't help but feel something for her. Guilt. It took sometime to get her composure back, some of the audience were in tears too. "I was quiet for the rest of my year and I lost almost all my friends cause the only way that I was popular was to have a popular boyfriend. My life was being torn and I just wanted the pain to stop so what do I do, I took more heroine.

   One night, I came home and just wanted to go to bed. I went into the house and the lights turned on. My mother was sitting in a chair in the living room and stared at me with kind eyes. She told me to come and join her and talk. I declined which made her mad. She said, 'I don't see you anymore cause you're to busy. Sit and let's talk.' I only got mad and yelled at her," Star said and I could see tears sliding down her face.

   I was even on the verge of tears with everyone else. "I-I s-said that I-I hated h-her and w-wished she-she w-wasn't my m-mom," Star said. I felt Jackie cling onto me which I didn't mind, I wanted someone there for me too. Star gained her composure again. "I ran upstairs and packed my stuff. I went to my friends house and stayed there for over a week.

   Then, I got a little phone call..." Star said sadly, "It said that my mother passed away and when I heard that I almost dropped the phone. The next thing I said just came out of my mouth. I said, 'How did she die?' They replied saying, 'from a broken heart.'" At this point, the whole school was crying at Star's emotional story.

"I dropped the phone and ran home as fast as I could. Then when I got there, all I found was my aunt crying in a chair. It was all my fault and the worst part was what I told her the last time I saw her. I promised myself ever since that day to never take another drug again. Two weeks later, I was at my mother's funeral but the whole time I stayed on the other side of the room, away from my mother's casket. Towards the end, I had the guts to stand up and walk over.

I stood next to her and instead of seeing what I thought was the most annoying person ever. She looked like an angel just looking out for her daughter the whole time. She was so b-beautiful," Star paused to regain her composure. "E-Ever since that day, I lived with my aunt, here in Echo Creek. I was here for two years to build a new me but I never really talked with anyone or made any friends cause I thought that I would have started back at square one and lose my aunt," She looked over at me and our eyes met.

"You say I don't know you even when you could have what I've been through," Star said and it was said directly at me. I looked down sadly. I am now rethinking everything I've done and now I see it was all a huge lie. I'm not a bad boy, I'm Marco Diaz...........the Safe Kid. "Jackie, I need to go for a while," I said and pulled her away from me. I wiped my tear stained face off then began to go down the bleachers.

I walked towards the doors and went to my car. I had to fix what I broke before I lose it all.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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