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Dissolve kosher salt, dilute cider vinegar in spiny Plantagenet emergencies.

Hands on please.

Zest lemon fingertips, and genuine tigertips

pound with a mallet, then fan parallel

to sectioned tangerines, Satsuma or Honeybell.

Avoid floral wine and extraneous bologna.

Prune bay trees when days grow shorter,

nights grow longer, underscored weekends

condense into fidelities chopped

from dusky onions. Steep opportunities

in vinegar and rosemary. Repair and gild

comfort with persimmon skins.

Surprise the strategic moss

inside helpless complexities,

quartering a pentagon cast

in non-urgent iron, hundredfold. Pierce

the silent foil, ease with a steady awl,

hand to mouth to stalking manroot and ergot.

Speak faint of whiteness and numbers

but call dogs and roses loud, with drums.

This problematical alchemy cannot end

in the perfection of matter, but ends

as the have-not grasses never


copyright © lcmt

My response to the challenge of a poetic form called “asdfiwvcbaxnf” created by callistobiscuits (on Tumblr).

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