Chapter 2 (I'd be a punk if my mum would let me)

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The bell rang out and Blair realised it was now home time, the school blazed throigh today as she had flown through the excited mood of the rest of the school. She loved Halloween, or she used to. Her mum said they loved halloween in America but now she was in LA she just didn't feel in the moos. But it wasn't quite home sickness because if someone asked her if she wanted to go home, she would say no. Because she didn't, it was warm here filled with sun and beauty. She was just sick of people. She hated them thinking that she was one of those poser girls. She only looked like like this because a boy she use to like, liked girls like this. He was gone now so why was she still hanging on. This was a fresh start and it was time to stop holding on the the shredded pieces of her old self.

She began to pack her things together. Mr Howarth didn't seem to bothered that she had falled to sleep in her class and she just caught up with kate. Brendon walsinfront of them.Kate pointed out the black gunk in his haor to Blair and they giggled about it.

Outside there classroom they met scardy bear. She was wearing a tight guns and roses t-shirt that showed off her stomach and cleavege. her blue hair fell to the middle of her spine, she also wore a pair of dark ripped blue jeans that hung low on her hipps. She smiled at them. Kate and her talked about the set they were going to play for the battle of the bands, Blair just continued to think about her life back in England and whether or not she was happy in America, she had made new friends, boys had noticed her, teachers didn't shout at her for no reason. So why wasn't she happy?

Maybe a change of image was just what she needed right now, make it a full redone fresh start.

"hay guys where were you" running up behind them was a short, long haired blond girl, she was wearing a ACDC tattered top, her hair was up in a simple low pony tail. She had red lipstick that had smuged on her face.

"Hay baby bear, whats up" Kate said as she waved, everyone stopped to wait for her. She caught up with a puff of air. She was a lot shorter than the rest of the but probley the cutesst.

"We thought we were going to meet you back at the house because you were gonna pick up your guitar for the weekend" she moaned, she turned despratly but soon fell back on that idea and they began to walk back the way they were.

"Hay Blair, whats up, you seem quiet" She came close to her face, giving her the super eye, the look that once killed a thousand blind badgers she had said when they first met a week ago. Which didn't really make scence, which she really liked. She was allwaysdiffrent and had never had a best friend. She just had friends, she liked living here. It was warm and friendly. Of corse there were cheerleader types, but they have them in england, they just have cheer leaders.

"Hello?" Kate was waving here had infront of dreaming Blair's face.

"she's spaced out, she's probley just nervous for the battle on nex week, i swear if we lose to Panic! At The Disco, i will never forgive myself" Kate said putting her hand on her heart

"Why you, it could be anyone of us that messes up" Baby bear said

"Oh cheer up Kate and you too Alexa , stop worrying". Blair seemed to have snapped back into focus, she reasured them that monday would go amazing and they would play perfectly at the dance. When the got to there house they opened the gate. There was a small black gate that covered the large front garden. The path was surronded by diffrents plant, brimming with pride, they looked amazing even though it was nearly winter.

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