Chapter 6 (Far To Young to Die)

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"What am I doing" Blair had her hands cupping her face. she was sat in the edge of her sofa. Brendon was leaning against the wall. He walked over to her, Brendon wondered if he should just leave the room, or the house, street, city, country maybe. But it was 1:30 am so that was highly unlikely.

Blair stood up, she walked upstairs quickly, after about a minuet she came back down with a smile on her face and she took Brendon's hand. She lead him to the room at the top of the stairs. The door swung open,

"this is my room, I'll sleep in Kate's she has the comfeist bed",she was smiling but her tone was Maltone, she was talking like a computer. She was about to leave, Brendon grabed her wrist.

"Brendon... no" she tried to shake it free but Brendon just pulled her in further towards him. They were face to face once again.

"I don't care that you are part of the 'Mad hatters'. It doesn't change the fact that you look gorgeous" he said placing a hand on her hip. Her jean button dug into his hand slightly.

"Brendon your just going to complicate things. I don't want to loose my friends". her voice was gentle and a plead.

"I want to complicate you, (Reference) Your so perfect I think its time you stopped being perfect and come and joined the screwed ones". Brendon had a look on his face that Blair had never seen before, she had seen sad, angry, hatful, flirty and even the look someone gives when they're kicking a mirror but nothing like this... was this a look of desire, love maybe. Blair raised her free hand to touch Brendon's hair. He smiled and kissed her. It was different that the first kiss. The first kiss was forced in a confused rage. This was light and fireworks were going off in her head. Marching bands played songs of rejoice and everything was perfect. When Brendon pulled away he kissed her lightly on the head and said goodnight.

Blair went into Kate's room and lay on the bed. What was she doing... whatever it was she loved it.


The Next Morning (yeah that's right I skipped time, I'm the God of these characters! Bow down mere figments of my imagination... I should go see a therapist)

"Hay Brendon I made scrambled eggs" Blair called from outside the room. Brendon was lying on the bed dazzed and half asleep. He stood and put his cloths back on... or Marcus cloths, which he really hoped were Blair's brothers cloths and not some other guy's.

"mmm... Scrambled egg. I love it!" Brendon said as he walked into the kitchen smiling. He was happier than he had ever been. He wrapped his arms around Blair was was wearing a tartan purple skirt and tights with a strapless black top with a blue apron over the top. She look my punk than she normally Brendon loved it. He placed a kiss on her neck. Blair shook away his arms and put the newly made eggs onto another plate.

"look I've decided that last night was a one off this, a casual affair (I'd say reference but you properly gathered) Nothing more". she said sitting down eating her scrambled eggs.

Brendon sat down. He looked at Blair with a perplexed look.

"So, if you've put it all behind you... why are you dressed like that?" Blair tried to look confused but he new she was faking it.

"the-re-Kate's cloths, I d-idn't want to wake you", Blair stammered blushing.

Brendon nodded then leaned in closer towards Blair...

"then why have you put on eyeliner?" Blair's face flashed with Panic, she obviously hadn't thought about that. Brendon smiled. He was still closed to Blair he took his chance. He leaned in quickly and stole a kiss from her red lips. Blair went bright red.

"Brendon what did I just say!" She was smiling and couldn't seem to stop. Brendon laughed,

"you know you like it" Brendon turned on he silly sudective voice,

"You want it" Blair starting giggling again, she wasn't to good at suppressing laughter. Brendon put a hand on her head,

"It never happened, okay?"

Blair nodded. She was ready to face what had to come, the questions. Brendon got up to leave and smiled,

"It might of never happened that isn't going to make me stop... I will chase you night and day until I hold you in my arms" he winked and left.

"Brendon... you are quite the boy" Blair spoke in a soft voice to only the air around her.

HAY! yeah again its really late! why do I keep updating so late. Again short chapter... not gonna lie. I got writers block didn't know how to write this chapter. It isn't very smooth this one sorry.

Also I was going to thank you all for 50 views in this but I wrote some them when I checked again there were 57, so I thank you all for sticking with me. And if I don't update for a little while I'm quite busy I have my Science exam and I have to revise.

Love you all xx Charlee

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