Chapter 18 (You Stole My Head)

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"Good afternoon you've got here" Blair could hear a girl say and the cluck of something heavy on the floor, Most likely bags.
"Nicole, I can't believe your here" Kate's voice rung out throughout the house. She sounded so happy. It made her think of Olympia and Lilly back home. They were her closest friends before she had come to England. They had kept in touch while Blair was away but she hadn't really spoken to either of them since she got to America. She didn't want to whine so she always waited for one of then to text her, usually is was olympia, she was praticaly always on her phone. She clicked on her phone and tuned out the backgroung noise from the rest of the house and texted Olympia

To- Olympia (wannabe phycopath)
Time- 3:12

Hay, just wondering how you were not spoken in ages :D

She didn't put kisses in her texts, it wasn't her thing. She would only do it to people she felt unconfertable or if she felt she had to do it. Or to her mum or dad of course. In the hall they were still chatting and it had become a dull roar of voices together, excluding her own.

Her phone made a ding sound and she looked to see a messege.

From- Olympia
Time- 3:16

Omfg your okay then, hadn't heard from you. We thought you were dead.   x__x

Blair laugh to herself at the text. She hadn't even bothered to messege and yet assumed she was the dead one.

"Hay. You know there's a random girl sat on your sofa right?" Blair jumpped slightly. A towering voice was staring at her. When she looked up she saw... A damn fine boy. His hair  was in one fatal sweep upwards, his lips looked soft and shiny and his eyes... Oh my god his EYES they were pornographic (sort of referance).
Blair shuffled because he was still looking at her. He had even closed the door on the way in.
No way out!
Although he was an attractive boy, and the fact he was looking at her was awfully flattering it also made her awkward and small.
She decided to look at him. Properly this time. He was was definetly a college boy, his height gave it away. He was huge, then there was the skinny jeans and tshirt that read


Blair loved doctor who and reconised the referance imediatly. He even had a guitar in a case on his back. Well she assumed it was a guitar, perhaps just an pretty odd shaped tennis recquet. He took the case off his shoulder but still kept an eye on Blair it was making her REALLY unconfertable. She coukd still here the others talking in the hall. Why weren't they here, they'd left her with a creepy, nerdy... attractive... sexy... well built... smooth- STOP!

suddenly the silence was broken with a voice that could melt gold, it was dark and deep but smooth. it cracked the awkward atmosphere, thats for sure,

"I like your shirt"... he's been staring at her for 6 mineuts and hadn't said anything, althought that may have been a good thing, what if he had asked her a question, that would have been so awkward. She was never really good with people. she was lonley and a bit simple. She looked down at her shirt reluctently and realised that she had her Batman shirt. 

"I love yours, wear did you get it?" a grin reached to the edges of his face. 

"i ordered it online" a little laugh fell on his lips. Oh my God he was gorgeous. Kate had said he was hot but nothing could have perpared her for that face. it was so sweet, Alexa was right, he was totally a quior boy. 

"are you a whovian too then?" he said, big brown eyes glowing up at her. He was fiddling with his guitar sitting down on the floor near the radiator. 

"Yeah, really nerdy actually". She said. Blair couldn't get this stupid grin off her face and it was bugging the hell out of her.

"So who actually are you? not to be rude or anything".
"This is the new singer of the Mad hatters. Blair Ashford, she's an idiot" kate was the door.

Hay everyone, sorry this chapter was short and ended in a weird place but ive had writters block for so long and i dont know how this is going to end. i have a rough idea but no idea how to get there. so if you have any thoughts on what should happen next comment below or tell me on my profile. 

love you all charlee xx

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