Chapter 15 (Talk Dirty To Me)

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Blair had a certain spring in her step. the night before the dance. Both bands had won. although Alexa and Jon were both being bitter about the whole affair, the other band members had easily become acustum to the friendship. Pete had become a usual member at the lunch table, his boyfriend Patrick would be introduced to them at the after party of the dance. Which happed to be hosted by non other than Panic!

With everything in place for a perfect night tomorrow, the day was free and casual. until...


*Ring, ring, ring*

"Hello, you've reached the 'I have a Fat face' hotline. how may I be of service to you today?" Blair said. She always answered the phone with something like that. Kate called it British Humor.

"I would like to take an order of a box of 12 racoons for my fat face". Instantly Blair reconised the voice.

"Andy!" she was smiling down the phone line even though he couldn't see her.

"Hello Princess. it ucured to me you never called so I assumed you lost my number" she could almost see his smirk.

"what if this princess didn't want you to call her".

She heard a gasp from the other end of the line then he hung up.

Blair was shocked, wow she thought, she did deserve that thou-

*Ding Dong!*

"PRINCESS DO NOT FEAR FOR I SIR BEIRSACK OF THE BLACK VIEL WILL SAVE YOU FROM THE EVIL ENCHANTMENT OBVIOUSLY PLACED UPON YOU!" The shouting from the outside of her door was definetly worth a round of applause. He was calling for her at the top of his lungs. he was either 1) very determined or 2) fearless.

Either way Andy wad becoming more and more interesting by the second and Blair wished to investigate.

Next door

"what the hell is that noise? Is Somone shouting" Brendon came downstairs. His hair was messy and unbrushed.

Although it was now 12:40 Brendon had only just woken up.

"It's something to do with Blair, it must be. she's the only one in the house". Ryan said looking out the window.

Brendon perked up when he heard her name,

"maybe I should go look" brendon headed for the door.

"that's proberly a bad idea" Ryan said.

"Are you saying I have no right?" brendon turned to face him.

Spencer, who was sat on the sofa chipped in, "He's not saying that... But you aren't wearing any cloths".

Brendon looked down and realise he was only wearing a pair of Boxers. definatly not sutable for outside.

(^^^^^^^This this a massive referance and if you understand this then i love you^^^^^^^)

Brendon ran upstairs to put on some cloths.

"he's a bit thick today" Ryan said, Spencer Nodded.

"I think he really likes Blair and he'll do anything. so stupid". Ryan began to laugh, Spencer stared puzzled.

"you can't say anything about stupid. You stuck your face to a chair and we've only been here for a week!" Spencer rolled his eyes, he didn't even do anything. In fact he couldn't even remeber what he was trying to prove. He just remebered Jon having to pull his face off. Spencer rubbed his face where the chair had temporerally become a part of him.

Brendon came charging down stairs, now fully clothed, he opened the door an ran out onto the street. Spencer stood up and origonaly got up to close the door but found himself to intreaged to not watch what would happen.

Brendon went through what he was going to say the blair when she saw him Hay Blair i was just in the neigbourhood... wait of course he was in the neighbourhood, he lived nect door, dont be stupid brendon, maybe Hi Blair, you okay? but that just made him sound needy. What about Sup Blair- Oh god that's the worse one yet! Pull you self together he thought to himself as he moved his way down the street.

He saw blair and was about to open his mouth when he saw another boy. He had black hair, and a tshirt on that said 'Live wild or live dead', which didn't even make any sense but blair seemed to like it. She was wearing the sexyist outfit he had seen her wear yet. it was a red and black dress that bearly covered her and a pair of tights. if the jelousy hadn't taken over him he would of ran over ther and made her put on a blanket or somthing. Brendon was about to scream when,

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Spencer was stood behind him. Brendon jumped and gave him a 'What the fuck?' look. (yeah thats right, i swore, man up and take it) Spencer was still looking in the direction of blair and the boy,

"Hey thats Andy Beirsack" he said pointing at him, brendon pushed spencers arm down trying to keep him unknown state. Spencer nodded and put him finger to his lips.

"So... He's dating blair now" he lowered his voice to a wisper.

"There not dating! He must just be Blair's friend and there going out together" Brendon nodded, he had no evidence that this was a date so there was no need to worry.

"In that dress... nope this is definetly a date. Damn, Before you would of been fine, but now theres compotition and tough compotition. i mean he's more atractive than you, more punk rock. Girl's love a bad boy and he's got reputation everywhere and i mean everywhere-"

"Okay, i get the picture! he's better than me" Spencer nodded.

"Your suppose to shake you head and somthing like, Brendon, you can do it your better than Andy anyway".

"Due im not a girl, i'm not going to make you cupcakes and patt you on the head. i tell the truth".

Brendon rolled his eyes, what was he even doing.

"Hey Brendon, Blair and Andy are leaving the street" he said looking at him.

Brendon was faced with a moral decision, does he A) follwer Blair or B) stay here and watch the girl she liked walk away with another boy.

"A it is!"

"What the hell was that, what is A?"

But brendon had allready started following them, spencer had no other choice but to follow, completly forgeting about ryan who was now left alone in his house.

CHAPTER OVER!!! WOOOW! i am so sorry, i had massive writters block (i wrote that down and i looks like an inuendo) But to make it up to you, you might have another chapter tomorrow, maybe even two if i feel like it... and if i dont watch mulin rouge. But dont get use to any recent updates because school starts the day after tomorrow... or there might be updates out of procratanation. i dont know depends how bad year 9 actualy is.

A few other things, the next chapter that will be posted tomorrow (hopefuly) will be pure smutt. I'll warn you before the chapter starts aswell just in case.

Okay and please don't shout at me but the smutt isn't written by me. Don't get mad. It's written by my best friend Katee. or That_Pretty_Odd_Girl go check her out. she an amazing writer. Ryden, ryden everywhere!!!!

Dont be expecting lots of smutt after this chapter because i can't write it. i'm to awkward, i have trouble reading smutt nevermind writting it.

and finally, left the best till last! I GOT 500 READS, yes i know this was ages ago now, but thank you all for tolarating my ramblings and spelling errors. I bought myself a special cake as a treat. So thanks for making my life so fabulous you lot. Love you all.

I don't think theres anything else that i want to go on about and that authors note is long enough, sorry to keep you from riding unicorns and snogging Zack Effron (referance). Good night

Panic! At A High SchoolNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ