Chapter 6- The Kiss 💋

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"Took you long enough" Danny whines when I come back from Denis's room
"Well you guy brought me shitloads of stuff" I reply collapsing onto the couch
"Jinnnnxxxyyyyy" Ben calls from somewhere in the house
"Whattttt?" I call back
"Come here!" He calls and I lazily get up and walk around the house until I get to his door
"What's up Benny boy?" I ask walking in
"Sit" he says simply and I do, watching as he closes the door and joins me in his bed
"Soooo why am I here" I ask genuinely confused because Ben looks kinda serious
"Denis" Ben says and I'm still confused
"What about him?" I say and he smiles softly at me
"Dude you two NEED to date!" Ben squeals and my eyes widen, yes Ben knew about my crush on Denis, but this was.. new
"Ben you know he doesn't like me" I say sadly because Denis is so fucking amazing and cute and just... urgh EVERYTHING
"I think he does but you know what? I'm going to get you two together. It won't even be that hard considering you'll be sleeping together" he says and I blush and look down
"I promise I will make you happy Jinx because I can see how much you like him and you're like my best friend now" he says hugging me and I don't know what to say but my eyes start to tear up and Ben notices
"Oh love what's wrong" he says and suddenly looks really concerned
"N-Nothing it's j-just no ones ever c-cared this m-much about m-me" I say and he just hugs me
"Didn't you have friends?" He asks and I shake my head
"No I had Alex and even she was a shitty friend" I say sadly and he just snuggles up with me
"Well that makes me the best-est friend ever" he says happily and I hug him tightly
"Thank you soo much Ben" I whisper and he nods and walks off with me still in tears
"Jinx? Hey Jinx are you ok? Ben said you were crying what's wrong Hun?" I hear a familiar voice and of course it was Denis. Benjamin you sly minx.
"I'm ok" I say softly and he hugs me tightly and I snuggle into his side
"There you go please stop crying I don't like seeing you cry it hurts me, please stop crying we all love you Jinxy" He whispers softly to me and I look up at him
"Thank you Denis" I say softly and he nods and gets up helping me up too
"Hey it's getting late you wanna go to bed?" He asks softly and I nod. He then picks me up bridal style and I snuggle into his chest as he takes me to our bedroom and lays me softly onto the bed
"Thank you Denis" I say then I groan
"What's wrong love?" He says and I look at him
"Love?" I question
"Well all of the other boys say it and I know you like hearing people say love" he shrugs
"But what's wrong?" He asks and I grumble
"I have to get changed and I don't want to get up" while plowing my face into a pillow
"I've done all I can, I'll be in the bathroom" he says and I look up to see him closing the bathroom door and clothes to change into next to me. Man this boy is amazing. I quickly get changed and lay back down
"You can come in" I say and the bathroom door opens to reveal a shirtless Denis with black shorts on
"You good now you didn't have to get up?" He teased and I giggle
"I'd be better if this bed wasn't so cold and lonely" I say and he crawls under the covers next to me and lays there while I trace the owl tattoo on his chest
"I love this tattoo" I say quietly and he looks at me smiling
"Why don't you have any?" He asks curiously and I just sigh
"I mean there's many things like that that I'd like to do but I'm sorta" I mumble the last word
"You know I can't hear you" Denis encourages me to continue
"I'm too scared" I say quietly and he smiles slightly at me
"Would you be willing if you weren't scared?" He asks and I smile sorta
"Yeah I want some piercings too" I say and continue tracing his tattoo and he wraps a arm around me
"Goodnight Jinx" he says
"Night Denis" I reply and yawn letting sleep take me over.

What the fuck? I open my eyes seeing none other than Ben Bruce standing above me with his phone out. Confused I look at Denis and see that I'm snuggled right into his side like a cat. I blush madly and Ben laughs quietly
"Morning princess" Ben says and I groan
"Say it again Bruce and I'll cut off your ballsack" I groan tiredly
"There's nothin to cut off" Denis's sleepy voice says from beside me and I burst out laughing
"And how would you know Stoff?" Ben defends and insults
"Brustoff obviously" Denis says sitting up
"Brustoff?" I question
"Ben Bruce and Denis Stoff" Denis says sounding kinda... proud?
"Is Brustoff real?" I ask and Ben looks like he's about to explode with laughter then Denis stands and places a short kiss on Ben's lips
"You bet hun!" Denis says and Bens eyes widen like saucers
"No it's isn't I'm VERY straight Stoff and Eww why the fuck did you kiss me!" Ben shouts and Denis laughs
"You know you liked it" Denis winks at Ben who's eyes widen again
"VERY fucking Straight" he says and Denis laughs
"Dude I'm fucking with you eww I'd rather kiss Jinx then you" Denis says and walks out of the room. I swear my eyes were as big as the moon and my cheeks as red as tomatoes
"Haha that's Karma for laughing at me" Ben says then followed by
"Dude he actually fucking kissed me! Eww!" Ben says
"Denis Cooties!" He squeals and starts rubbing his mouth with the back of his hand
"Ok but I'm sure Brustoff is real" I tease
"Only in your wet dreams" Ben says and my eyes widen
"Eww what the fuck Ben" I say and jump up chasing him around the house until he hides behind Denis
"What's going on?" Denis asks gesturing to Ben
"I told her brustoff was only in her wet dreams" Ben laughs and I try to hit him but Denis is in the way
"Aww that's cute Ben's finally explaining his wet dream about us to someone else" Denis teases Ben who stands up and hits Denis's back
"I don't dream about us!" He defends
"No but you'll dream about this" Denis says and Ben and I look at him confused
"About what?" Ben asks and Denis kisses him again and honestly I feel kinda jealous of Ben right now. wow.
"That" Denis says before hiding behind me
"Stoff I swear you're Gay!" Ben says
"If I was gay would I do this?" Denis says and turns around kissing me in the lips before pulling away to smirk at Ben. What the fuck Denis!

My Little Ukrainian Boy|| Denis Stoff love story 🖤Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin