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Denis's POV

Is she ok? I'm so so confused. She said she forgives me but she was also rambling on about random shit as well. Is she drunk? No it can't be, she never drinks. Is she high? No she hates drugs. What is going on right now?

I call up Ben to see if he can make any sense of all this or if he knows anything


D:Hey Ben

B: Hey man what's up?

D:Is Jinx with you right now?

B:Yea why?

D:is she ok? Like is she drunk or high or some shit because she called me making no sense at all

B: Nah man she's perfectly normal, maybe you just don't understand what she meant. I swear she's not drunk or high

D: oh ok well man it's good to hear from you again

B:Yeah it's been a while

D: yeah too long... well I got to go bye man

B: ok bye man, look after yourself


After I hung up with Ben Jinx's words kept running through my head
You're Forgiven
Is she serious? Does she really forgive me? Can she seriously forgive me?

I rush to my car And drive over to Ben's house almost breaking every speed limit possible on the way there And pound rapidly on the door without stopping for at least a solid minute. Eventually I hear Ben's pissed off grumbles coming towards the door before he pulled it open
"Why The Fuck are you pounding on the dirt like you're trying to break it down mate?" He asks And I chuckle before remembering why I came here
"Where's Jinx?" I ask And he opens the door wider, a silent invitation for me to enter, And I follow him in
"Jinx!" He calls out and suddenly I hear a pair of light footsteps echoing down the hallway before she appears looking beautiful as ever-
Her long brown hair swishing around her waist, her chocolate eyes looking at Ben, her soft lips pulled into a smile-
"Oh, hey Denis" she says snapping me out of my thoughts and I look up at her
"J-Jinx were you serious w-when you said you forgive me" I ask searching her eyes for some kind of humour or lies
"Yep. Fuck the world!" She yells holding her arms out wide giggling And Ben chuckles
"I still don't get what that means?" I question And Ben smiles
"She's been texting Alex Gaskarth too much" he laughs And she smiles innocently. I shake my head
"So song lyrics changed your mind?" I ask doubtfully And she nods
"Denis I wasn't to repair our relationship but we have to take things slow. Friends?" She asks opening her arms up for a hug And I nod before hugging her tight And she buries her face into my shoulder, letting me stroke her hair softly. Eventually we both pulled away though
"Well I'm meeting up with James And we're going out, why don't you two watch a movie here or something?" Ben says And Jinx nods in agreement leaving him satisfied as he left the house
"So what movie?" Jinx asked And I looked through the stack of movies she had before picking 'The Shining' and putting it in.

I'm going to say right now that when I put the movie in I didn't know it was a horror movie. I also didn't know how much horror movies scared Jinx but she ended up cuddled up into my side with my playing with her soft brown hair. She looked up at me with her chocolate eyes looking adorable And innocent. Oh so adorable.

Jinx's POV
"I can't do friends" he says And in a second he presses his soft, warm lips against mine And I don't hesitate for a second before kissing back. My arms wrap around his neck And he, being the taller one, wraps his arms gently around my waist. Denis pulls me closer And onto his lap so I was practically straddling him
"You don't know" he pauses kissing me again
"How much I've" kiss "missed" kiss "this" he finally says with short little kisses in between
"Me too" I say kissing back And I feel his tongue gently brush against my bottom lip but I decide to be cheeky And denied him access so he squeezes my butt but gets no reaction from it so he gently pulls away. Knowing he isn't going to get his way on my lips he slowly kisses down my collarbone And I gently push his head back
"Denis, I'm not ready for that yet" I say looking at him with pleading eyes And he simply just nods And moves back up to my lips
"I promise" kiss "that I will" kiss "do everything" kiss "I can to make" kiss you feel beautiful" kiss. I slowly pull away from him
"If you're gonna talk stop kissing me if you're gonna kiss then shh" I say placing my finger on his lips before bringing him in for another soft kiss but this time he pulls away
"I really want to talk" he says And I crawl off his lap And back to my spot
"I'm so so so sorry for what I did And I swear to you I'll spend every single day of my life making it up to you. I don't care what it takes I'll do it. I really love you Jinx" he says And my jaw drops And I sit there for a few moments just shocked at what he said
"I- but- I- well-" I stutter unable to form a real sentence. Doesn't he remember how our fight started in the first place, he said he loved me And I didn't know how to react but now he's basically out me in the exact same situation as before! God damn Denis Alexandrovich Sharforastov sometimes you can be really, really, really näive
"Denis... I- I- Denis I...

Cliffhanger... (/.\)

My boyfriend is pissed at me because his friend told him that I'm talking shit about him, WHEN IM NOT. So I tried to be mature so I got him to sit with me And was like
"You know I wouldn't talk shit about you right?" And his response was
"That's hard to believe"
God damn. He says that the day before our one month anniversary, not that he'll remember or anything. Sometimes I just wish things weren't so shit all the time.

I love you all 🖤🖤

- 🌹 Harley 🌹 /

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