
117 4 13

Thanks, ThatYandereMayu

Now I gotta do this

But I'm just gonna cheat and use "Red" muehehe

R- Rid me of this life. Well um. TEENAGE ANGST FUCK YEAH--

E- Existentialist. I think it's pretty clear. Everything is time-filler, so if you find a reason to live, dig your grubby little hands into it and never let go. Ever.

D- There's a loud Distorted screaming in my soul! Everything is dark and empty and I don't know how to fix it, so I curl up in a ball and cry in the comfort of my home--


I think I did this right... The point was to make an acrostic, right? Soooo

Time to bring suffering upon others


I just randomly picked five people idk how many it's supposed to be

I'm so sorry

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