Day 1

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Seeing as school kinda keeps me away from my sketchpad and even when it doesn't I lack inspiration so

Here goes nothing

Day 1: Introduce him/her.

This is Sayu, who y'all might remember from the previous drawing challenge's Day 4

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This is Sayu, who y'all might remember from the previous drawing challenge's Day 4

Again, she's three quarters French, yet her paternal grandfather got to be the one to name her, hence the odd combination of French girl with a Japanese name

She's a bored rich kid well into a rebellious phase, so you can just imagine the toll it takes on her parents' bank account + collective patience

Not completely sure how her background makes sense since I made her like

When I was twelve or smth

So from what I can rememeber:
•bi kid
•confident social butterfly
•has had several boyfriends and is still on p good terms with some of them
•one of those kids who help trash a friend's house by throwing parties
•never the designated driver
•think Chris Hargensen but with a soul/genuine love for her friends
•has burned through an ever-growing list of high schools (she's secretly JD oh wow) and is currently in a strict all-girls international boarding school in Japan as a form of disciplinary intervention by her parents
•it's not working she skips all her classes
•in actuality she's p damn smart
•just too stubborn/lazy
•also p sure she has an ear piercing
•and finally, she's musically-inclined

Okay, I think I've rambled on long enough about her

See ya in Day 2


Also we have a scanner lol but since I'm technologically illiterate


Y'all have to suffer through bad lighting and my shaky hands

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