Picture perfect {jungkook}

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"These are amazing!" You said feeling impressed as you were browsing through the pictures in the camera which belonged to your senior, Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook, your senior whom was also assigned to you as your mentor in the photography club smiled and thanked you for your kind remarks.

Jungkook seemed like someone who was slightly harder to approach at first impression. Maybe because of the high expectations he had of himself and the people around him.

Even before you joined the photography club, Jungkook was a rather well known name in the photography field. His works had always managed to win prizes at competitions and has even made it to a national photography exhibition once.

You felt pressured even being near him, especially after your awkward introduction to each other by your teacher-in-charge, you've always felt his attention on you. You weren't even sure if the pressure was getting to your head causing you to imagine things.

However after your "forced" interactions with him after being assigned to be his mentee, you felt that he's actually quite a nice person. And somehow, you managed to loosen up a little bit around him.

Today, the club was going on an annual photography camp where all the photography club members would be staying a night over at the countryside. Which was apparently, supposed to inspire good shots for the upcoming exhibition.

[You're in the coach on the way to the countryside with jungkook seated beside you]

"Woah," you paused, staring at this one picture displayed on the screen. It was the picture of the sunset which you recognized as the one you saw at the exhibition.

"Yeah? Is there anything wrong?" Jungkook, who was your senior in the photography club asked you puzzled.

"N-no...it's just..."


"This picture is beautiful. How did you manage to get this shot? The angle...colours everything..."

Jungkook leaned over from his seat to get a glimpse of the LED screen before saying, "ah that picture..." he chuckled, trailing of as all the memories from that day came flooding back into his mind.

"It was quite an experience, not exactly a good one i would say. But what i can proudly say is that my literal blood, sweat and tears went into that one picture."

"Why?" You smiled at him to go on, "now i'm curious what gave our golden senpai such a hard time."

Jungkook sighed, "Okay i sneaked out alone in the morning because i heard of this photography spot, and i'd admit that was my fault. But along the way while i was trying to find this place i got lost. And then while i was there waiting for the sun to come up, it started drizzling. But i had to protect my camera so i took off my shirt to cover my camera. It took me about fourteen shots to get that picture..." he sighed, "so you could imagine how long i was standing in the rain shirtless. Plus that spot was on higher ground so it was windy. And the best part was," he paused, "i ended up getting a fever later that day." He leaned back on the seat, rested his head on the headrest and closed his eyes. "That cold was terrible."

"Wow...hey but on the bright side, this photograph was chosen to be in the national exhibition, remember?" You said, still looking at the picture displaying saturated colours of the sunrise.

"It wasn't my best work though. I kept retaking this picture because i felt like there was something missing. Like the picture just didn't seem right," he made no move on his seat, "but no matter how i tried taking the picture from a different angle, it made no difference. Even the one you're looking at now, don't you feel like something is missing?" He turned to look at you, hopefully.

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