Volunteer {taehyung} <pt 1>

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You slung your bag over your right shoulder as you dragged yourself out the house. You managed to down two cups of coffee just before you left but you still felt groggy. The familiar feeling of reluctance reminded you that mornings and you just don't go well together.

It was already seven in the morning when you stepped out of the house and you had to reach your destination at eight.

Yes, it's finally the holidays and you were more than happy to get a break from the busy school life. However you literally felt like burying yourself in a hole when you remembered holidays meant community work. Your school has this programme where every single student is required complete a certain number of hours of community work in a year in order to be promoted to the next level. Not that you were complaining about community work itself, you felt absolutely okay with this programme. But the fact that it starts in the morning made you dislike it.

Anyway no amount of complaining was going to change anything, so you decided to just make the best out of your first day. Oh and did anyone mention you were assigned to volunteer at a childcare center after balloting?

"(Y/n), this is Taehyung," the person-in-charge, who was a woman in her mid-thirties with a strict expression on, gestured to the tall boy standing in front of you. You are about the height of his shoulders, so you had to tilt your head upwards to face him. He didn't meet your gaze though. His gaze shifted anywhere and everywhere you weren't.

Is he just being plain rude or...

"Taehyung, this is (y/n)," she then gestured to me, making the gaze of the tall boy fall on me for a moment before it wondered somewhere else again.

"Hi," you croaked out, voice obviously not used since you woke up and then offered your hand for a handshake.

Taehyung looked at your hand for a while and replied with a soft "hi", before taking your hand in his, fingers easily wrapping round your hand.

His hands are really big... was a thought that came to your mind as he shook your hand briefly before letting go of your hand.

"Okay (y/n), if you have any problems with anything, you can ask Taehyung here... or feel free to find me in the office," she said in an almost totally professional tone before retreating back to her office.

You looked behind Taehyung and saw that she has really left both of you alone. You were at a complete loss at what to do now.

"So..." you looked back at Taehyung who seemed to be staring at some really interesting spot on the ground, "what do i have to do now?"

"Hm? Oh uh, y-you can help me to sweep the f-floor for now," he said softly, meeting your gaze for a brief moment again before looking away.

You decided he's just painfully shy

What you got from Taehyung after much prompting was that both of you had to do a basic cleanup before the children start coming to the center.

Just then you heard the small bell ring as the glass door to the center opened. "Tae oppa!" You heard a high pitched voice before you saw a small form dash towards Taehyung and bumped into Taehyung's leg, causing her to lose her balance but Taehyung managed to catch her in time.

"Hello little dongsaeng!" A deep full voice carrying a tone of excitement said and you thought there was someone else around. However you soon realised that voice was coming from Taehyung and you noticed a totally different expression on his face. He had a big and friendly smile on. It almost seemed brotherly-like. Is he like that around children only?

"Ye Jin-ah, behave yourself okay? Don't give your Tae oppa any trouble, understand?"

"Yes, eomma!" she gave a toothy grin to her mother. As the mother gave a polite nod to both Taehyung and you before leaving.

The young girl whom i know as Ye Jin now, let out a small giggle as Taehyung reached out to ruffle her short hair gently. You smiled unknowingly as you witnessed this scene in front of you. It was then the young girl turned and noticed you.

"Tae oppa, who is this unnie?" she looked at you and then looked back up to Taehyung who is now holding her hand.

"Oh this is (y/n) unnie," Tae squats down to talk to Ye Jin at eye level with a warm smile.

Ye Jin softly attempts to pronounce your name but mispronounces certain parts of it. Taehyung chuckled and patiently corrected her. "Now go say hi," Taehyung gave Ye Jin a soft push on the back towards you as she shyly walks towards you.

You started to feel slightly panicky, you knew you weren't good with kids. You never were.

"(Y/)-(y/n) unnie?" She looks up at you with her round eyes. However as you heard your name come out from between her small pink lips, your panic somehow disappeared. You wondered if this was even possible.

You looked over at Taehyung with a possibly weird expression, because you could see him trying to control his laughter. But not without giving you a reassuring smile, which helped to calm your thumping heart even further.

You imitated what Taehyung did before and got to her eye level, gave her a soft pat on the head and greeted her back. Ye Jin broke out in a smile and a cute giggle. You felt a fluttery and happy feeling in the pit of your stomach. After all, it was the first time you made a young child laugh in your entire life.

It wasn't long before the childcare center was filled with young children and things got busy. The awkwardness between Taehyung and you seemed like it never existed now. He could talk to you properly and make occasional eye contact. Somehow that made you happy.

"Yay! Playtime!"

The children shouted in excitement. Children were running around the room, already taking toys from the toy boxes. This, you figured would be the messiest and most chaotic time in the day.

[5 minutes later]

You were right, small fights started. There were children crying, throwing tantrums and toy tug-of-wars began. The most familiar three words came from different parts of the room.

"This is mine!" A boy whom you knew as Jooheon shouted as he attempted to pull the toy truck out from his classmate's hands.

You sighed as you made your way over to the two boys. But Taehyung beat you to it.

"No no," Taehyung sternly said, taking the toy truck away from both of them. "This belongs to me." He said hiding it behind his back.

This made the eyes of the two boys glossed over with tears. "Unless..." Taehyung paused. This word earning the attention of the two boys immediately.

"The two of you learn how to share. No snatching. Understand?" The two boys silently nod. "Now say sorry to each other and be friends."

Jooheon offered his hand to his classmate, "Il sung-ah let's shake hands." Il sung looked at Jooheon and timidly took his hand.

"Sorry Il sung-ah," Jooheon said softly. "I-i'm sorry too," Il sung said just loud enough for Jooheon to hear.

"Let's be friends?" Jooheon looked at his classmate with a grin. Il sung nodded and his tear stained face broke out into a smile. "Let's play that!" Jooheon grabbed Il sung's hand and pulled him to the toy box.

"Wait what about this?" Taehyung took the toy truck out from behind his back and chuckled when the two boys were too busy talking to answer him.

You watched in awe as you saw how good Taehyung was with kids. Taehyung turned and your eyes met. He nodded politely at you and you  smiled back with a nod.

{To be continued...}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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