Chapter 53

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When I wake up, I rub my right eye and yawn without a care left in the world. I begin thinking about why I was waiting around for no reason and realize that I should be trying to find a way back home. Then I also realize that I didn't even tell Yozet about the time travel thing that started with the future version of herself and scurry around the castle trying to find her. I run up to a maid and ask, "Have you seen Yozet madam?" She smiles and replies, "Oh the princess, she left about a mere 2 hours ago, she said she was going to go prepare some things for the marriage arrangement." I sigh and thank her as I go out to get some breakfast at the Slaughter lamb. "Welcome back good sir!" The entire staff yells with enthusiasm as I sit down at the usual spot in the back. "What would you like future king? The same as last time?" The waiter from last time asks as the girls hang around my spot stroking my hair, rubbing my cheeks and squeezing my hard earned solid muscles. I felt pretty amazing with this treatment as I stand up and ask, "Now where is the owner of this tavern?" the woman comes out of a room as she asks with a smile, "Is there a problem?" I wave no as I reply, "I would like to invest in this tavern, it could use some funding, don't you agree?" She drops her wooden mug as a smile springs upon her face and sets her running at me. "I love you loyal customer, or I mean..master." she says while hugging me tightly and starts rubbing my stomach, which still doesn't have a detailed six pack yet. She finally lets go as I go back to my seat where my meal is ready to be eaten as I dig in with the hunger of a thousand men. And after eating every single bit of it I grab my entire pouch of gold and hand it to the woman who always serves me and say to her, "Keep working hard, you're doing a great job." She blushes as I say to the owner, "Write down what is needed for this place and the price, and when you are finished just hand it to the king and tell him it is from my order." The place gets silent as I leave it and hear while the door shuts, "We are rich everyone! We can actually do this now!" I smile and walk off as I notice that I forgot to wear my leather armor and was just wearing  my black T-shirt and blue jeans as I head back home. The king greets me at the door as I see captain Levi by him with a lot of wood on the arm I broke. He gives me a stare full of hatred as I feel a bit sorry for him and say, "I can heal your wound within second you know?" but he nods no and says with a ugly attitude, "No, you will not touch me you monster." The king then says, "That's enough you two!" I know I scared him before and I feel a sense of evil slowly corrupt my mind as I look at him, showing him that I have no reason to fight him, but if I do, I would kill him without hesitation. He walks with the king to go do something as I go back to my room and take a nap for the heck of it. I then wake up with Yozet's face staring down on mine as I realize that I was laying on her lap and she was stroking my hair like a cat, I nearly started purring like one too as I have the feeling that I should do something back. So I hold up my left hand and stroke her cheek as she rubs against it and begins rubbing my cheek too, then she moved her hand down to my shoulders and massaged them. Then she went down to my stomach and rubbed it in circles as she finally hits home and rubs my winky as he wakes up and shows her his true form. I then roll over and cover myself in the blankets as I say to her with a dissapointed tone, "Sorry, we can't do it until we're married Yozet.." She continues to rub my back as she replies, "I love you even more Alize, for not giving into your temptation and doing what is morally right." I then remember what I had to tell her as I sit up and look at her face, "I have to tell her that she sent me back or else who knows what would happen.. but also if I do she might go nuts. What should I do?" I think to myself as she looks me in the eyes and asks, "What? Do you have something to say?" I then say, "Listen, remember that I am from the future?" She nods, "Well since I am not under God's rule anymore, I got a set of unbelievable power along with the ability to marry multiple woman and well.." She furrows her brow and asks, "What?" I look away and rub the back of my head as I slowly say, "Well I have 6 wives in my current timeline already. Astria is an angel, Lia is a demonling, Daline is a demon, Christie is the daughter of Satan, Felicia is a super human along with her younger sister Darla who has a weaker set of her powers. And then there's you, the woman who sent me back in time.. my seventh wife." She just looks at me without changing her expression as we stare awkwardly at each other. She then gets up and leaves as I realize that I may have just altered the timeline, "Alize you dumb ass motherfucker." I say to myself as I lay down and suddenly feel drowsy, and when I least expect it, I fall asleep and begin dreaming. I wake up in a dark destroyed world as I am on top of a black scaled dragon, but then I feel something hug my arm as I look over and see a blonde girl with green eyes who had big fluffy twin tails and was wearing a princess like outfit with my suit designs on them. "Fuck, I'm dreaming about the future again aren't I?" I say to myself as Astarot roars beneath me with pride.

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