Chapter 60

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Everyone followed me outside the walls as we make our way through the woods, and I find the area I was transported into due to the future Yozet's sword. I call out to everyone as we stand in one of the many empty fields of grass, "Alright everyone, we will rebuild, we are going to do even better this time than any other kingdom combined!" The crowd begin talking with each other in deep discussion as a man asks, "What makes you so sure about that?" I reply back with a smile, "Because you all have each other, including me to help out." The man nods as they all agree, then I begin to give instructions, "Men who are single, go chop down trees for shelter, woman who are single will gather some of the dry wood for a fire. Married couple, I need you all to go track down food, the husbands will hunt as the woman find fruits and vegetables." Everybody goes off to do their jobs as I hold Yozet's hand and go to the nearest village to retrieve the gear we are in need of. About half an hour into our walk we come across a small town called Towns Gate and walk in there with my fancy clothes that are surprisingly not ripped up. The people look at us as we greet a shop keeper hanging outside of his store, I then begin bartering with him, "I will need all the axes and weapons you have." He then leads me to the back of the store as he opens up a shed like storage and shows all the equipment he had. I smile as I pay him the 3000 gold it costed and casted a portal in there as they all fell into the spot my town gathered at before we left. The man doesn't say a word as I buy enough breed and ale to feed everyone who was counting on me, and so I carried it all in a bag on my back as we go to the area with grins on our faces, showing off our accomplishment of starting our own village. "Hah! Take that game apps!" I think to myself as everyone was gathered around the gear in confusion. They all see that I have food as I ignite a small fire upon the small white, dry branches the woman had brought so we could enjoy our first meal as a town. There was tons of laughter and joy as though it seemed our entire kingdom, which was called home by these people, never got destroyed. I then hand the men their tools and weapons along with the ladies just in case they wanted to switch it up a bit, and then we all began working together with the wood we currently had, building small houses at a time. And by the end of the day we had a house for around half the people as the others would sleep over until we finished theirs the next day, and so we rested with the comfort of new friends. About a week passed, a dozen titans came to this area but I killed them before they could even touch the surrounding area. And when the houses, shops, and other places were made, I was asked by the entire town to create a name for this area, and so I did. I broke down boulders and cut down trees so we could have a surrounding wall around us that would offer protection just in case I was gone. And then I put a slab of wood on two poles in the front of the gate with the name written in oil, Draconic village. Everyone was satisfied with the results as we all enjoyed our peace for quite a while, fighting off the bandits who would try to start trouble, killing titans, and training animals to be our companions. I then went to Towns Gate and had them send a letter to all kingdoms that said,

"Dear king,

I would love to inform you that I, Alize Christevon Samuel Maldonado, have started a village of my own named Draconic Village and will need gold and currency to run through here, be it bartering or what suits both of our needs. I am no push over, so if I suspect any suspicious act of treason I shall consider you an enemy and make your homes a target, do not take that as a threat for we are good people who need some help due to our village being raided by titans and burning down. Come visit if you like, we are a few miles east of Towns Gate and accept visitors!

Yours sincerely, Alize Maldonado."

I was so excited when I received feedback from the kingdoms, most of them said they would help me out since they understood my situation. Everyone was cheering with their children and friends, Yozet also had fun talking with the woman, since she was never allowed to talk to anyone other then her wedded husband in the old kingdom. I felt so happy that things were going right and I knew that it would only get better. But then I remembered that I need to head back to my own timeline somehow, and began to think about the situation everyday, thinking of crazy ideas that obviously wouldn't work. But then out of the blue one day, I was washing the town donkey and seen a beat up man walking into the gate, falling over in pain as I take him to the medic and asked him with little conciousness he had left, "What's your name?" He looks at me with a bruised, bloody face and says, "Leon.. farron.." And he goes to sleep.

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