Inky and Alive

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You looked behind you to see bendy, some how alive. "W-WHAT?!" You scream at the top of your lungs. "Calm down buddy." Bendy giggled. You looked at him in shock "B-BUT HOW?!" You yelled. "Your old friend joey turned on the machine, and now here I am." Bendy's smile grew. "B-but then w-wheres joey?" You asked with a concerned tone in your voice. Bendys smile quickly turned into a frown "C-come this way...". He walked you to a room where joeys corpse was on a metal plate. You stood in horror as you looked at the body. "He abandoned us, he left our souls to drip away, for us to decay." Bendy sighed. You backed up "Im a-assuming you w-will do that to m-me too..." You kept backing up. "You did not mean to abanbon us, he did, and plus, i-i actually l-like yo-". You ran to the exit and ran out of the building and took a deep breath "OkayOkayOkay, so bendy is alive, and he likes me, this has to be a d-dream..." You got into your car and speeded away. You started to hear a bubbling noise in the back seat.

Bendy x The readerWhere stories live. Discover now