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  "Hey Kuro. Watcha doing?" I ask,a childish smile coating my face. The blue haired servamp lays across my body with his head happily buried in my neck. Strong yet lean arms wrap around me and Kuro buries his face deeper. "Katania- come cuddle with me." He whines before poofing into cat form to flail his tiny little paws in the air. "Aww you're  such a cutie. But I have to finish math. But when I'm  done I'll  cuddle with you ok?" I ask, rubbing my nose against his soft fur before kissing his head. Misono complains I pamper and spoil him too much. I guess it's  true...but it's  not entirely my fault I love animals. And I love his vampire form too. Not my fault he's adorable.

  "No. Cuddle with me now! You're just going to do something else and forget all about me." He turns back to vampire so I can see him pout sadly. He's guilt tripping me.......and it's  working. "Kuro math is important. I can't  skip it so we can cuddle. I'm  sorry. I'll make it up I promise." I say sadly, hoping I hadn't  hurt him. Geez I'm  pathetic.

    "You're  so troublesome." He huffs before leaving. I finish in 20 minutes. "Kuro?" I knock on his door gently. "Go away. No one cares about you or your promises you idiot. And don't say you aren't dumb. Who takes twenty minutes on math?" His deep voice cuts into my heart. But I have never been the one to immediately start to cry despite wanting to. "WHAT?! WHO THE HELL  DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!!I DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU! SHELTER YOU, FEED YOU, LOVE YOU AND YOU GO AND FUCKING INSULT ME LIKE YOU'RE IN CHARGE! YOU FUCKING COWARD YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT TO MY FACE!" I roar at the door. It opens to reveal Kuro, his beautiful red eyes empty. I never saw his hand but I felt the slap. I stared into his face before tackling him screaming curses in English. After a punch to his jaw and making long deep scratches  on his face I leap off of him. "Don't  you ever touch me again. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but I don't care anymore. You don't  deserve my presence." With a final glare I stomp to my room pack a bag and set off.

What the crap is wrong with him? He would never hit me like that. Especially because I'm a girl. Lost in my thoughts, I don't see the man until he runs into me. "Woah I'm sorry. I...BELKIA?!" Honestly I shouldn't be surprised  to see the pink haired male on the streets. He is a street magician  after all. And my friend. "Katania!" He goes and picks me up in a hug making me laugh. "What  are you doing  out here so late?" Belkia questions. "I couldn't sleep so I came for a walk." I lie. He suddenly  gets over excited.

"Can I take you somewhere?" The question  makes me stare at him. He is evil but my friend. I shouldn't  trust him but I do. "As a date?" I ask playfully, spotting a blush on his cheeks making me laugh. "Aww! Bell is nervous!" I laugh, happily tapping his warm cheeks. "SHUT UP! You wanna come or no?" He pouts, making me chuckle. "Yeah why not."
A box.

He wants me to get in a box.

At night.

To do who knows what.

Deciding to just trust him and remembering my years of training in case this went downhill I stepped inside.



Light. Oh wait never mind.

Am I blind?

"You have to open your eyes, Kat." I punch the owner of the voice only to realize it was Bell. "Sorry sorry! YOU DON'T  WHISPER STUFF TO PEOPLE IN THE DARK BELL!" I yell  to the magician whimpering on the ground clutching his nose. I turn to find us on top of a ferris wheel.

How pretty. I hope I don't fall. Is this legal? Probably not. So pret-is that a chipmunk?!

I squint  at the furry little  guy and wonder what he is doing up here. "Bell look! It's a chipmunk!" I happily point out, shaking the magician in excitement making him chuckle. "You're  such a kid." He remarks. "Oh yeah?! Well if I am a kid that makes you a golf lover! You crazy boring guy!" I come back. Golf is like the most boring sport EVER. Belkia  sticks his tongue  out at me and I return the gesture. My phone vibrates.


"I'm so sorry. I never ment to hit you I swear. I was on my VMP and it makes me super agressive."

"What's  VMP?"

Kuro's  line is silent for a minute before a sigh is heard.

"Vampire Male Period. Basically our fangs retract and then grow back slightly sharper. It's super painful and uncomfortable  and makes vampires have short tempers."

I chuckle for a second before laughing like a hyena battling a walrus. Belkia stares at me in concern while Kuro is screaming at me to stop laughing. I KNEW MAN PERIODS WERE A THING! Why else did guys find it necessary to make a clutch with straps and call it a fanny pack?

This is hilarious.

After another moment of laughing I hang up and focus on Belkia whose pink hair flowed slightly in the wind.

My best friend



My pink haired magician


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