I held the camera close, zooming the lens on a beautiful pink butterfly. It's wings gently shifted and it perched on a daffodil. The soft shutter of the camera sounds twice before it decides to fly away, ending my photoshoot. I sigh softly, taking in the beauty of the lush forest around me. Vibrant colors stand out against the various shades of bark and I can't help but snap photos every few minutes. The moss softens my footsteps as I travel deeper into this forest- I happened to wander here after getting lost on the way to California. My car is parked patiently at an abandoned lot on the outskirts of this forest, waiting for my to return- hopefully with gas. Was it wishful thinking to wander into a randomly lush forest alone in search of gas with nothing but a camera and canister? Yeah, probably. But as that pink butterfly flutters around my face once again, I find myself enraptured by it's natural beauty, the fear of getting lost nothing but a distant memory.

Suddenly I stumble. I crash unceremoniously on the forest floor, moss and dirt rickling my face. I stay there for a beat, before remembering the expensive camera dangling around my neck. I jerk to my feet and inspect it- everything seems okay- dirty, but not broken. I let out a huffy before looking to see exactly what caused my fall. Instead of a stray root, I see metal. Metal in the middle of a forest?My fingers grope the object, pulling away dirt and moss to reveal a handle and a metal door. What the hell is an underground bunker doing here?

I cast a glance at the sky. Midday. That should be enough time to explore and get back to my car before dark. And hey! Maybe I'll find gas down here. With this in mind, I yank the door open, revealing a set of metal stairs leading further underground; further into darkness. I take a deep breath before slowly beginning my descent, each step startling loud.

The further down I go, the darker and colder it gets until goosebumps rise along my skin and my breath comes out in short puffs. Suddenly, the floor evens out. I stop and stand perfectly still, staring into the darkness before me. The cold settles into my bones and I wonder how long I have been down here. "Hello?" I call softly, listening for movement as my voice echoes. I frown at the lack of response.

Maybe it's empty? Who would be down here willingly, anyway? It's freezing! K pull out my phone and turn on it's flashlight, cautious of my battery. The dim light casts a soft glow around a metal room, much larger than I had expected. Only able to see a foot ahead of me, I walk towards the wall, tracing my hand against it. It was freezing, and covered with a thin layer of dust. "Hello?" I call again. No response. My flashlight suddenly illuminates bars. I tilt my head and trace them. "What's a cage doing down here?" I mumble, before noticing a lump inside.

I set down the gas canister and step closer to the cage trying to determine what the hell is inside. The flashlight offers virtually no help and I'm stuck staring at...who knows what, when I get an idea. I put my phone in my back pocket and fumble for the camera around my neck, zooming the lens, a resounding snap echoes and the flash lights the entire cage in a bright light. The thing inside shifts with a low hiss, huddling against the bars opposite me. I flash the phone at the camera's viewfinder and let out a startled scream.

Two red eyes stare back at me.

The Dreams of ServampWhere stories live. Discover now