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"I am Wraith."

Something about that statement made my blood go cold. Maybe it was her dark eyes glaring into my soul or the steady dripping of blood. It sounded like it was sealing my fate or something. Totally creepy. "Get the fuck out." She gave a mocking bow before limping away. What a freak. I sigh and cast a glance at the time. I don't  have the time for pictures. "ARIANNA RAMIREZ CARALA SAPHIN! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Great! First mother wants to be a pain in the ass, 'Wraith' tries to creep me out, and now daddy's calling. Will I ever get to this damn party?!

I growled in annoyance and began to stomp downstairs, mindful of my diamond studded heels. My keys sat on the table next to the front door. I snatch them up and prepare to head out the door when my dad  screams my name again."What?!" He whirls in from the kitchen, nearly seven feet tall, a height that let's him tower over me even with my heels on. "You're disrespecting your mother, harming staff, and failing three classes. Where the hell you think your going?" "How the fuck did you know I'm failing class?" I demand. "Watch your damn language! The school called me while you were out. How do you fail Personal Fitness? If you can run from the cops you can run a few laps." I rolled my eyes as he drones on and on. As ex-military, my father expects me to be the next soldier in line. Nope! You won't catch me dead in gym shorts. If I can't wear what I want then I'm not doing anything you tell me. Period.

I pull out my phone and check the time. I'm late! I shove my father out of the way and race down the front steps, quickly getting in my car. The headlights flash on, illuminating Wraith helping my father back to his feet, the light glinting off of the metal prosthetic leg of his. He just got that thing three days ago and was still getting used to it. I think it's stupid and doesn't match any pair of shoes but at least I don't have to be ashamed of his stump anymore. Now that was disgusting. I remember when he came home with no leg and my friends kept asking what happened and if he was okay and everything. God it was so embarrassing! That ugly stump of scarred tissue and my friends were just asking his story and fawning over him like he made some sacrifice or something. Made me wanna puke. I invited them over to have all the attention  and of course dad comes and ruins it. He was back on his feet- or should I say foot, and made eye contact with me. I waved sarcastically before tearing out of the driveway. In the rearview, I caught a glimpse of purple hair. Wraith. I had half the mind to run her over but decided not to. Only because I was late.

  Time Skip. Guys, I want some Oreos. Badly.

I was drunk. Well, not really. Just really tipsy. Alriiight, I was wasted. I was grinding against two hot guys from who cares where, and laughing with Kelly. Suddenly my phone vibrated. 'Mother' was displayed across the screen. I ignored it and danced harder. A text came through from an unknown number. 'Tonight is a night of karma and pain. You should come home, Arianna'. I stared at the screen before brushing it off and blocking the number. I'm gonna deal with stalkers later cuz tonight is my night! Kelly looked up from her boyfriend who she was dancing on as I scowled at another call from my mother for the fourth time, finally deciding to shut it off and put it in my purse. "Do you think it's important?" I turned my scowl onto her. "Kelly, it's my mom. She's probably having separation anxiety or some shit and wants to get me back at the house." I rolled my eyes. "Isn't that more of a reason to- nevermind. You clearly aren't gonna listen." I rolled my eyes at her stupidity and her boyfriend pulled her back to him for a kiss. I always thought he was too cute for her. Then I found out he was a total nerd. "Trust me. It is going to take more than a call from my bitchy mother to get me home."  I smirked as the guy on my left grabbed my wrist and began to lead me upstairs. I sent Kelly a wink and tossed her my purse. "Have fun!" Kelly called after us, on her way to get another drink. Mine was running low too so I simply dropped it on the stairs. No need to hold onto an empty cup, right? We got to a bedroom and I watched him close the door and lock it.

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