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Your hair. It moves and waves like the ocean tide to present the sand, to present your face.

Your eyes. They glisten in the sun like giant marbles coated with oil and grace.

You lips. They are as red as a rose but tough and plum like the skin that coats you.

You're him. The person I don't know yet, but I'll know you in a day from now, maybe a year or few.

The horrible truth is I haven't meant you. I know nothing but that we gaze at the same stars.

I know nothing but I'm sure your mind and hopes are as abundant and big as the planet mars.

The horrible truth is I don't know. I have no clue what you hair does in the wind or the rain.

I don't know what your eyes see when you wake up. Or the things that erupt or burst in your brain.

I don't know anything , yet I'm to know you; and that strikes a strange emotion.

Isn't it strange in the very moment I see you we won't know about our devotion

It's strange as we won't know that we have souls that will mould to one another like melting clay

It's strange as it leaves me scared, that one day I'll meet you but in a moment I could loose you, just in a day.

I can't fable how we are to be made to one another but spend our lives apart.

I can't fable the emotions I'll feel the day you will look at me like a piece of art

Doesn't that make your heart race, or even pop.

I'm scared that the day I meet you, you're heart won't flutter or even stop.

Because I think that I'm naive, For thinking of this perfect moment that might never come.

I think It's naive to believe in the perfect situation, I think it's blankly rather dumb.

It's dumb because i occupy my mind with thoughts of him.

I think it's dumb because our chances of meeting now, are rather slim.

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