The bears attack the bees 1

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At times the the world is against us.
Everything you do doesn't seem to add up or lead you to what you want.
Every time you strive it's like solid ground turn to sand and it all crumbles apart.
I wish I had an inspirational message to tell you, I really do.
But right now I feel as if this sand has turned to quick sand and I'm now drowning.
I'm drowning in all the failure, it pushing me underneath the sand and no can help me.
This isn't going to rhyme, this isn't going to be straight forward.
Because everything I feel right now is like my thoughts are cluster of black ink on a page.
I want to say things get better, but how am I to say that when the world is trying to destroy me.
I feel alone in a room full of people, and feel distressed when people try to aid me.
I don't understand how or where this is all heading.
I feel like all my aspirations are burning like paper
And everyone around me is holding matches.
I feel paper thin, ready to burn, I feel lost like I'm not trying hard enough.
But I swear I am, that's all I do.
I seek to impress others but never myself.
My work is never good endings to me but to others it is.
No matter how much I try I don't think that I will ever change.
I wish my brain would just burst leaving splatters of paint all over my room.
I wish my body would stop being not good enough.
I wish my mind could be smarter, my thoughts to be brighter.
I wish, and wish, but I know wishes don't come true.
No matter how much you wish you don't get what you want.
At times we feel like a cluster of black scrums, however it always key to remember life somehow gets better.

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