Chapter Four

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    I could never figure out the fascination some people felt towards destruction and damage, but as I stand here, staring at the remains of Amelia's house, I can feel a slight appreciation for the rubble. I tighten my coat around myself as a strong breeze pushes through the air. I slowly and purposefully walk down the stone pathway that lead to the front door when it was undamaged and look around at the debris thoughtfully, as if I were examining a new collection of art in a gallery.

    I kick different chunks of scorched furniture and rubbish as I make my way through the house. I twirl in a circle, kicking up a pile of ash and letting a giggle bubble out from my lips, jumping up and down in place before continuing my journey to Amelia's bedroom. I shove the door open and survey the wreckage, a spark in my eyes and a flutter in my chest. Grinning, I shake my head, tutting my tongue and sauntering over to her bed. I brush my fingers along the almost gone mattress.

    "You died... Right. Here." I mumble to myself, jumping and landing in the center of the mattress, the caved in cloth swallowing my body. I breathe in deeply and close my eyes. "If I concentrate, I can still feel you lying down in this exact spot. I bet the police and coroners had a splendid time scraping your remains off this thing!" I cackle, wiping a tear from the corner of my eye.

    I sigh and feel the emotion drain from my face. I scoff in disgust and climb out of the carcass of the bed, kicking it disinterestedly when I'm standing upright once more.

    "I came here to laugh at you and celebrate my win, not to have your pathetic ghost distract me. I hope you suffered. I hope it felt like the flames of hell were coming up to personally torture you, you fucking bitch." I spit out viciously, glaring at where I know she was in the bed.

    I pick up and throw the nearest thing I can reach.

    "You can't ruin my life anymore!" I yell.

    I groan in frustration and tug a strand of my hair in my hand, twisting the curl around my finger and gnaw on my bottom lip.

    "Don't you see? I've won. I beat you, Amelia. I'm still alive! I'm still here! You're nothing but dust and ash in a pot, sitting over top of your mother's fireplace. Ironic, isn't it? You get killed in a fire and your mom keeps your remains above a fire like a trophy!"

    I take another look around the room before walking out and making my way back to my car. I pause at the door to my car and snap my head in the direction of the neighbor's house, the old woman looking me up down warily. I furrow my brows in confusion at her expression and then glance at myself. My clothes and skin are covered in soot. My mouth forms an 'O' and I nod my head, beginning to clear away some of the black that coats me before getting into my car and starting the engine.

    I casually adjust my mirror and see that the old woman is still staring at my car. I feel a twitch of irritation and my jaw clenches, but I ignore the urge to confront her, instead just driving away and turning my radio up as loud as I could without hurting my ears.

    I drive around aimlessly, choosing to just drive and think. I occasionally sing along to different songs that blast through my car's speakers and drum my fingers on the steering wheel.

    Somehow, I find myself driving along the more country side of town, vivid green fields and trees stretched out before me. I catch sight of a deer running though one of the fields off to my right and I smile to myself.

    Nature is so beautiful.

    After a while, I park my car and decide to walk over to a hill. I trudge my way up the hill and sit down cross legged at the top, looking down at the different wildlife that was housed here. I stay there for quite some time, the sun slowly sinking to the horizon. The colors bounce off the treeline in explosive oranges, pastel pinks and yellows, and faint purple.

    I begrudgingly get up from my spot and head back to my car, feeling refreshed. I climb in and just sit for a few minutes before starting it up and continuing driving. While driving, I get to an area that I vaguely recognize and look around, my brow in a frown and my curiosity piqued. I follow where my mind tells me to go, remembering different twists and turns that I have to take. I resume after stopping at a light and observing the area around me. I still can't figure out how I know this place or how I know how to navigate through it. I can't remember anything in my life that was important or relevant to this part of town.

    What is over here that I feel compelled to go to?

    After two left turns and a right turn, I pull into a street and it dawns on me. I realize what's over here. I set my jaw and accelerate, taking a sharp curve around and speed down the empty street before slowing down and taking the turn into the all too familiar neighborhood. I pull up to the house I used to spend so much time in and park my car, sliding down in my seat. I stare up at the red and brown brick house, chewing on my right thumb nail. The light from the lamppost shines and reflects the shimmer from the ring I wear on my finger. I divert my attention to the simple band and quickly get out of the car.

    I walk up to the front door, an empty feeling gnawing in the pit of my stomach, and knock. My heart leaps into my throat when the door opens.

    "Hello, Debbie..." I slowly greet Amelia's mother.

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