Hoshi || imagine

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WiFi BoI

You were sitting in your apartment, basically dying, cause you had no internet. Your internet had been cut off the day before cause you hadn't paid the bill yet, in your defence you work at a tiny cafe and you hadn't been paid yet. An hour had past when a wifi connection popped up on your laptop screen "10:10 wifi" lol don't they mean 10/10 wifi? Ha idiot! But suddenly you had an idea, you knew where the wifi connection was but you just had to ask to borrow it for maybe a week or so and pay him/her back. So you went through with your amazing plan and walked down the hall to no 68 which wasn't far from your apartment. You knocked 3 times, and waited. Finally someone answered, it was a tall boy with platinum blonde hair and adorable eyes, he smiled at you "how may I help such a pretty lady?" You blushed a light shade a pink.
"Um well you see... I um..." you went speechless.
"Yes?" He giggled.
"Can I please b-borrow you wifi? Please? Just for a week I promise I'll pay you when I get paid I just-" you were cut off by his warm finger being placed on your lips.
"Yes you can use my wifi and no you don't have to pay me use that money to get your own wifi back yeh?" He smiled.
"Thank you so much..wait isn't there a catch?" You asked slightly confused.
"Oh yes... you'll have to use it in my apartment.. I could do with the company.." he looked sad for a moment but soon shook it off.

I like this it's cute xD I will most likely make a pt 2 cos I'm actually proud of this 😂

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