The date-Chapter 2

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Zane's Pov: As we were about to leave kawaii~chan was about to fall but I caught her.

Kawaii~chan:*blushing*T-t-thank you zane~kun 

Zane:*blushing*Y-y-your welcome

Aaron and aphmau:*Snickering*

Zane:W-w-we should go now 


*Zane and kawaii~chan walk out the door* 

Time skip to dinner

Kawaii~chan's Pov: Zane didn't look do fancy for a date but he look cute to me.Wait did I just think that ?!?! I wasn't sure if he knew this was a date or not.So I deiced to ask him.

Kawaii~chan:Zane~kun ?

Zane:Yea ?

Kawaii~chan:I was wondering if you knew if this was a date or not ?if you don't mind me asking of course.

Zane:No I don't mind at all and wait this is a DATE? 

Kawaii~chan:Yea at least that's what aaron~kun and aphmau~senipai  said. Speaking of them where'd there go? 

Zane:I don't know and If I had to take a guess there somewhere kissing. 

*kawaii~chan startes giggling the zane startes to laugh as well*

Zane's Pov:I never thought anyone would think I was funny.But I guess kawaii~chan does.She's pretty cute when she giggles.WAIT did I just think that?!?!? I think I might like kawaii~chan but I dougth she likes me back. 

Kawaii~chan's Pov:I'd never seen Zane~kun laugh like that before.He was being really cute.WAIT WHAT Did i just think that?! Why do I think thinking of zane~kun like this? I think I like him but I know he doesn't like me back.

Time skip back to kawaii~chan's house 

Kawaii~chan:Thanks zane~kun for bring me back home. 

Zane:No problem 

*Kawaii~chan is about to walk away when*


Kawaii~chan:Yes ?

*Zane takes off his mask and kisses her*

*Kawaii~chan kisses back*


Zane:*blushes*I-i-i G-gues I'll see you soon then? 


Kawaii~chan's Pov:I couldn't bevlibe zane~kun kissed me.I mean I didn't mind but I don't know what to feel anymore.I think I love zane.

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