Chapter 3

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I immediately told them to wait for Me as I ran out the hotel to grab my bag full of medicines and inventions I had created. Yeah yeah I know I'm a nerd !! Sorry if it bothers you so what. Now going over to Zak .  "Aaron why did you bring her here I don't like the looks she gives me.. it's like she's planning a murder !!" Aaron laughed, "dude chill out she's pretty cool when you get to know her.. for a twenty minute walk. I mean Billy and Jay liked her too!" He motioned them and they nodded. "Fine but we do things here my way.!" Everyone sighed when the girl came in which I noticed we didn't know her name yet. "Hey Uh what's your anyways.?" I questioned suspiciously. "Oh it's Rei... Rei Lee Havel.!" She said smiling as she looked through her bag nodding as if she was checking if everything was there and closed it then left for the restroom. I looked at the others to see them too busy with the gear so I walked over fast and opened the bag to see nothing..I put my hand inside and felt nothing I was confused 'she was going through this!!' "Zak!?!?! What are you doing going through her bag get away from there!" Billy yelled. He pushed me away and closed the bag and placed closer to him on the sofa guarding it. I walked away confused, "Jay ?" "Yeah Zak..?" "Give me the thermal camera.." "Uh sure " he rumbled through the cases and gave it to me, " here.." I turned it on and hovered it over the bag to see things inside it I scoffed, when Rei came out she had a dark blue and black aura covering her body while I looked in the thermal camera. "Zak you know if you have questions you just have to ask no need to act so suspicious about it. " she said laughing. As she walked away carrying the cases to the truck. I turned off the thermal camera and rubbed my eyes, "she's a psychic medium remember that..!" I whispered to myself.

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