Chapter 10

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We got off and placed the gear in the room somehow Jay lighten up and put music while playing to it and Billy made faces and Aaron pretend to make faces when we heard movement. We looked at each other and grabbed the cameras as we began rolling on live. "Alright there's movement in the living room we were sort of dancing to music when we heard light footsteps moving around it's still sun up so we're gonna do a spirit box EVP. "Hello my name is Zak who are you.!" "Music.. play again please.. I wanna Dance. " the voice Said in a full sentence making us jump back in surprise Aaron spoke next, "you like dancing..? Is that it? What song do you wanna me to play?" Just then Aaron's iPod staffed playing 'To Build a Home' by The Cinematic Orchestra. There was a change in the air as Jay suddenly took out his camera and began swaying it around. "Woah guys I see it it's a Female!!" Jay said amazed. " where !?!" I said as I walked over to him we all did and saw a female dancing around in the living room her temperature was cold it was blue and black it somehow seemed familiar as she danced in swirls and jumps it was amazing as the song finished she let herself fall to the ground as she faded into nothing just like the song said into dust. Making us all amazed... Aaron was tearing a little Jay and Billy were crying I felt like my heart was being poured out into that song. "That was beautiful what's your name.?" Billy said snapping us from our trance. "My name is ...Susan.. Williams.." she said quietly as if in doubt. Through out the night we interacted more with Susan as she told us about the other side then as the sun rises she was gone like she was never there so we packed up and left happy with our interview.  When we saw that girl parking her bike in the cafe. "Hey isn't that the girl you talked to yesterday Zak..let's go meet her I bet she's a ghost Adventures fan when she's hears about this adventure she'll freak.!" "We parked and went in to see her sitting in a family booth all alone she almost fell into her food almost if Billy hadn't slammed his hands on the table making her jolt up. "Hey ! I'm Billy you are?!?" "I'm Rei..Rei Lee Havel.." "beautiful name Rei..." Aaron said smiling as he sat in front of her making her blush it somehow made me jealous a little. And I don't know why!?!? "We interacted with a spirit named Susan Williams in a haunted mansion not far from this town.. she gave us a lot of information she even danced for us..!" She made a weird eye gesture which I clearly understood that she misunderstood "NO she danced a slow dance song it was beautiful it made them all cry really unmade me feel alive for some reason.. never felt like that ever.." "we'll that's cool.. " she said yawning as she drank her chocolate milk then ate in fast manner. "I gotta go.. nice meeting you all it was really fun Billy your the man Jay your the blazer in the fire.. Aaron your my best friend Zak...your... A noble steed..nice meeting you again Cya. " she said leaving in a rush..

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