Chapter 8

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I woke up to whimpering and soft snoring I opened eyes to see my friends Lisa, John and Summer my sister all sitting on the right side of my bed. I decided not to wake them up so I turned off the monitors and took off the wires as I left the room in search of food. I found a cafeteria not far in the hall and ordered a burger then got myself a big Dr.Pepper. 'bet your wondering how I bought this wellll I might have sneaked money out of my sisters wallet oh well I'll repay her with hugs and kisses..' I continued to when I heard crying and screaming and doctors were running around towards the hall I had just came from. I got up and threw my trash as I walked casually into the room to see Lisa and John hugging as Lisa poured her eyes out while summer just sighed when she saw me then shook her head in disapproval. "What's all the fuss about??" I said casually. Lisa looked up worried and tackled me to ground making me yelp the cut was still fresh and but healing fast it didn't mean the scab would open. "Careful you idiot my wound hasn't healed fully!!!!" I said smacking her in the head many times. "Ow ..ow ! Ow!! Oww!!!sorry no need to be grumpy... I was just worried.. where were you??" She asked rubbing her head softly as she pulled me up from the ground. "Eating my devious lover!" Everyone groaned. "Noooo who did you steal from now! Was it me!! Wait nope I have all my 20's here." Lisa said in relief. John checked his wallet in a rush and sighed, "guess I'll still be able to take you to the park love.. I'm high on money.." summer raised a brow as she opened her wallet to find nothing she sighed out of annoyance, "Rei!!!! Why don't you bring money on you! You never repay me or them!!" I gasped, "That's a lie I give you hugs and kisses!! Besides I  bought you the last cheese cake that was in the cafeteria ...?" I said tearing as I took it out. Her eyes widen knowing our mom never let us have cake if she was ever alone she'd sneak cake by but that was rare and I was able to get A full whole cake. \( ̄<  ̄)> now who's left embarrassed! I thought. She grabbed the cake and hugged me saying sorry as she sat down and ate it.

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