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I look in the mirror and see Mary, despite the bible on my desk with "Matthew Dusk" engraved in gold at the bottom, I begin to imagine myself as a woman, long hair thin frame. Then my thoughts are interrupted my a yell

"Matthew, you're going to be late!" my mother yells

"I'll be down in a minute!" I yell back

I grab my bag and take another quick look at the mirror hoping to see Mary, all I saw was Matthew's cold eyes.

I walk out of the house as I yell bye to my mom, I begin walking to the bus stop. I begin to imagine my life if i was born as a girl, I imagined feeling comfortable shopping for clothes and happy in gym. I get so involved with my imagination that I almost ran into Jack, the guy of my dreams but at the same time my worst nightmare, I want to tell him I like him but he couldn't ever like me. I quickly turn and walk toward my best friend Sierra, I can tell she thought I was gonna piss my pants.

"I saw that" she says in between laughs

"I could tell" I snapped back trying to dismiss her remark

"Well maybe if you stopped wearing my dresses and told everyone you are a girl he would like you." she jabbed

I tried to picture that happening, I couldn't find any way that could happen.

"You don't even believe that, and we both know im right" I say as I playfully punch her

I hear the bus down the street and I turn to the road to signal that im done with this conversation. I step on the bus and head towards the back when a guy stands in front of me.

He looks behind me at Sierra, "Oh Sierra are you trying to make this faggot feel as if he had friends?" he says mocking both her and me

I keep my head down but sierra shoves herself in front of me

"Alex you can shut the hell up, that one night we hooked up I had to hold back from laughing at your small dick, oh and the curve makes it look deformed." Sierra snaps in his face

His friends couldn't even help but laugh at him, he sits down and gives his friends a cold stare.

I sit down in the back and snicker with Sierra.

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