Please Read: Author's Note

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Hello, fellow Wattpaders (is that a legit word? I don't know, it is now)

This is a story about witchcraft, espionage, and murder.

The Wych Elm Murder is probably the most infamous murder in England and continues to raise eyebrows as the year's pass. Who is she? Who killed her? Where is she now?

All will make sense later on in the story.

Written in free-verse and in three perspectives.

Based on a true story.

No matter what you believe, I ask for only respect in the comment section. 

Copyright: © 2017 _alisha_b_ The Mystery of Bella and the Wych Elm

All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior permission of the author.

All characters or organizations appearing in this work are based on real people. Although their personalities are unknown; therefore, fictitious.

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