Present Day (Confession pt. 3)

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"Una, is that all?"

She shakes her head
but I see tears 
collecting in her eyes.
She pinches the bridge

of her nose and, 
shakily, she 
continues on
with her story.

"Jack was prone to nightmares
and if there was any type of 
in his life, he would 
and turn
every night
until the problem
But this was different."


"Jack would avoid going to
He would wake up in the
middle of the night
screaming about
a pair of hollowed out
watching him sleep.
They soon progressed.
He would break down in
the middle of the street
crying out
as if he were in physical
It was always the same thing.
A pair of woman's eyes
in the trunk of an

"Una, why do you talk,
in the past tense about
your husband?"

I knew the answer. 
But I needed to be certain.

"He got checked into
Stratford Mental Hospital
a month after his breakdown."

"And then?
What happened?"

She didn't even
try to hide her tears,
they just came.
Like a rushing

"He refused to sleep.
Even in the Nut-House.
He- he died."


"A week after
we checked him

"Ms. Mossop,
I am deeply sorry
for your loss.
I would like to thank you
on behalf of the
Stourbridge Police Department
for your contribution to this

Mr. Fabien.
Thank you.
I am finally able to sleep
with my eyes closed tonight."

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