One: Meet the Parents, and the Asshole

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The rush of the wind caressed my naked skin and the scent of the deep forest filled my lungs. I dashed deeper into the wilds of the thick Grayville forests—hiding from my would-be attackers.

Nimbly, leaping into a high branch, it was easy to clear the fifteen-foot jump—I was an alpha born female after all. My pursuers came into view and they looked suddenly confused, my scent seemed to have just vanished to them. They looked around, scanning for traces of anything, or any direction I could have gone.

Finally, I leaped down and I double kicked the first and then I slammed the second into the tree I had just jumped out of. There was a satisfying popping and cracking sound, so I had won the game.

"Winner of this week's Lycan Games, Jenna—not that it surprises anyone."

The booming and authoritative voice of the Alpha female declared, my alpha female, Eleanor Cambelle, my best friend and the only she-wolf I have ever met who is stronger than me.

She gave me a smirk, but turned and looked at the hungry, lustful expressions of the men in the pack, so she threw me a large black Metallica tee shirt to put on. I heard a groan of protest from the handsome four-hundred-year-old alpha male beside her now.

"Honey, why do you keep stealing my vintage metal tees? This is Jenna we're talking about, she is gonna ruin it before we even make it back to the pack house."

He was running his hand through his messy long dirty blond, sun kissed hair and complaining to his mate—and even his alpha technically. She gave him a cheeky smirk and said, "Well, maybe this will teach you to let me get my damn coffee, before you try to have your way with me at an ungodly hour in the morning!"

She sounded a lot more pissed off than she actually was, though Ele hated to be woken early. Ele was one of the hardest working young alpha's in the whole continent, so I could understand her grief. Clay on the other hand, had waited four hundred years to find a mate he was in love with, so I get why he probably seems a bit clingy with Ele.

I scowled at the two of them and said, "Will you two keep the damn pillow talk in the newly sound proofed bed room. You sound like a pair of old bitches to me."

Ele smirked and her jade green eyes danced with some amusement, Clay just stared now, but I think he was still worried about his shirt. It's not like I destroy clothes on purpose, or for fun, I am their second in command, so I end up in a lot of sticky situations.

"Holy crap, you just beat the shit out of all of them Jenna," I high-pitched and very hyper thirteen-year-old girl skipped to a stop in front of me. Her green-blue eyes were filled with excitement and wonder. I ruffled her messy red hair and said, "You lasted to the survival match, not too shabby pup."

Camilla Moss growled, she hated being called pup even more than I did, thogh I was abo0ut to turn eighteen, so I hoped Ele might ease up on the pup soon. Cam, as we typically called her, was our third strongest female, she had just shifted for the first time a few months ago, and she had already been gifted with natural high beta ranking power. Ele had taken her under both our wings for training and protection, since she is still too untrained to protect her neck from horny ass males, who will break pack laws for the chance to capture themselves such a strong she-wolf.

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