Two: Insufferable

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As the second, I was required to attend dinner with the arriving alpha family from the Wells Pack, Oregon. Maggie worked over four lit burners and Amber—the sandy blonde twin gamma tracker—helped her with three lit burners of meats and stir-fried pasta too.

Maggie still had more food to cook for the rotation of family and warriors coming home soon. Ele kept looking sideways, she did not let the other alphas notice her concern for Maggie, Ele and I never abused our weaker pack members—hell, I had been abused so I never would abuse another.

Jamie snapped out, "Would you tell your damn omega to hurry the hell hum!"

I felt my eyes begin to glow and my alpha aura of power spilt around me. I slowly, fiercely and angrily ground out, "You. Will. Show. Respect. While. You. Are. Here. Brat."

I stared him down for a second longer and then I stood and I walked over to the stoves and began to help Maggie with the food preparation. After less than two minutes in their station, Amber also had me juggling tasks for her too. In the kitchen, rank did not mean shit, except for Ele and Clay, but they cooked for the pack too. All the leaders took turns helping in our kitchens, or even on house cleanup. We are never above menial tasks in this pack, honest work makes for honest Lycans.

"Finally, she is doing something useful."

Clay slapped on heavy hand down on the thick, massive, oak table and said, "In this pack, we all help with any chores or with cooking. Ele cooked the whole pack lasagna last night and she would not even let Maggie help, because she wants to do something kind for everyone all on her own!"

"Clay, what's the point of having omegas, if you don't make use of them," The young man sneered, he was nothing like Clayton in personality.

Clay glared at his little brother and said, "Just keep digging a hole for yourself Jamie, because Jenna has already neutered less annoying males this year."

Maggie chuckled, but only Amber and I could hear it over the sizzling of the pans. I pat her back, Lycans love physical contact with pack, it helps us reassure each other that we are never alone.

"Besides, we don't have omegas in this pack Jamie," Ele said his name like a curse word and this did not escape the older alphas, but they did nothing to help him. I was alpha born too, I know why, because one must earn their own reputation within the community at some point. My dad once told me that if I ever picked on any of the other lycan kids, then he would not save me from them later. Harry Wells had the mild temperament of a wise leader, so my best guess is that he was going to let Jamie hang himself.

'Just let me hang him up by his family jewels Ele, please, please,' I spoke telepathically into her mind, one of our abilities. Lycans can speak into the minds of fellow pack members, or forge friendship links and talk telepathically with friends. Our alpha's power protects our minds from outside invasion and I have heard it even works against other species of supernatural beings too.

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