6. Discussion

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Meanwhile at Next Generation Hospital Services (NGHS), people used to refer to the hospital in short as Next Gen.

Behind the doors that was labelled 'Meeting Hall' a heated discussion was going on regarding whether it was possible for humans to take a step further, understanding that the human genome had already been mapped. A 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign hung on the knob.

Dr. Dand was one of the important figures who was directing and controlling the discussion with questions. Well he was close to being the most senior figure in the room if it wasn't for Mr. Raphael, who was a representative sent out on behalf of the army. Excluding Dand, there were 9 other doctors and 2 other representatives.

They all sat around a huge desk which stood right at the centre of the room. Further back in the room there hung a white screen so that individuals could lay down their presentations.

'So why exactly was there a need for this meeting?' demanded a tired Dand. Probably because he had not got enough sleep.

'well according to what I read on the envelope that was delivered to me...this meeting is simply to get to know if it was really possible for us humans to really take that step forward and voluntarily embed different genes to make our day to day activities easier' pointed Dr. Maurice.

'Genes for what exactly? Currently we have only got a hold of genes, mainly to combat diseases and maybe for a few simple cosmetic purposes. I doubt it is even possible for us humans to even obtain something like what you would see straight out on movies such as super speed or telepathy and whatever else the movie industry has to offer' replied Dand.

'unless god puts down a perfect example of how we could achieve, we are just going to keep making cures for diseases alone. On top of that, it starts to get even more so complicated when you consider what would happen to the ones who are not compatible with or the ones that do not possess these so called genes' continued Dand.

'I believe that we are in no state to really proceed with something like this currently, this discussion has gone on for long enough, it's time we disbanded and headed off.' finished Dand as he picked up his set of papers and made his way towards the door that lead out of the meeting hall.

'you cannot simply let the incompatible individuals dictate what and what we should not progress with. I believe as individuals of the medical field we must do whatever we can to bring our race to its true potential' spoke up Dr. Ciril.

Dand paused and gently mentioned 'ethics is a great part of medicine, it plays a bigger role that what you think it does, yes it is true we will continue to maybe remain the same, even so we prevent the breakout of chaos by doing so. If chaos were to be unleashed, it could push us a few years back and in the end nothing would have come of us...I believe that currently our goal should be directed towards educating laymen around the world. I hope that you do understand that laymen could even pose an attack on you for stating something like that. Unless the laymen have the medical experience that we possess, well lets be real, they are never going to possess that unless they step into our field, but the best we could do for them is to give them as much medical insight as possible. If not, they will never get to get a grip of where exactly our statements are coming from.'

'I am not saying that we should not progress, it's just that it's better if we slow down. We just mapped the human genome... its already got the media buzzing around us and people are really wondering what's next' with that Dand was out of the meeting hall.

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