12. High-tech

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-Spark Spark Spark-


'Phew, so close to completing my newest invention just need to get this software chip inserted and sealed up...and there it is, its done! an auto-pilot bike!' uttered Aeron. Aeron was a well-qualified electrical and software engineer, he spent a great lot of his time in a large garage which was formerly his car park, building new devices. Aeron has a vision for the future and he wanted every bit of that vision to become a reality.

'Honey, that's enough! Come and have your lunch, its getting cold, I am not heating it up for you again even if u ask me to, so hurry and get yourself up here!' shouted Jenny. Jenny was Aeron's wife, she was a business woman. She was occupied most of the time herself, even so, she always did put aside some time for Aeron who she knew was someone worth her time. Even if she did put him high up on the stairs, Aeron was a mad man, mad man in the sense he was goal orientated, he did love Jenny however he had an uncanny personality where he always put himself first.

'Coming! Just let me get a breather' shouted back Aeron

Jenny sighed, as she picked the tray of food which she had made for Aeron and headed down the stairs from the first floor to the ground floor garage and placed the food plate on the cleanest table she could find.

'Here, I even brought it down for you, now have it!'

'Thanks dear, I'm really sorry, it's just that I was so engrossed into my newest awesome creation, it's a high tech bike that is capable of auto piloting.'

'Well, to be honest, I think you are going to have a lot of competition since its just the autopilot feature'

'Way to go and ruin my mood! But that's what I like about you, you tell pretty much everything straight to my face' said as he smiled and approached Jenny and the food plate.

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