t h r e e

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today is the day i get to work on my duet with james! i'm so excited! i may have a small crush on him but...i don't think he noticed. he's just so cute and his personality is attractive! (not that i have anything against this...but it's lowkey so hard to write omf)

so james is meeting me at the studio in about ten minutes, i got here early because i need to stretch and i know he doesn't like how long it takes me. once i'm done, i just sit down and patiently wait for him...and after a few minutes he walks in, as cute as ever.

"yo, you ready to start? i got places to be," he said rather harshly but i brush it off.

"w-w-well if you have to be somewhere we can practice another t-time?" i suggest and he just nods and walks away.

so much for practicing.

but it doesn't matter i guess...i just start making my part of the dance up.

me and adrien walk into the studio together and we see daniel practicing all by himself. we all know that daniel likes james, and honestly i feel bad for him. how could he fall for a conceded jerk like james? yeah well i did too...i guess i can't talk. but at least i moved on to adrien. he's so sweet and kind, so beat that, james.

"daniel? where's james? aren't you supposed to be practicing together?" i slowly walk over to him. i can see the hurt in his eyes, i wonder what stupid thing james did now.

"h-he um. he had somewhere to be so i told him i-it was fine," he said with hurt in his tone. daniel was very sensitive, i feel bad for that sometimes. i could walk up to him and raise my voice and he would be scared. it also kind of confuses me, but oh well.

"daniel you can't just let him skip out like that, next thing you know, he's going to use you and make you do all the work and he will take the credit," i could tell that adrien was smiling and it made me blush, but i tried to stay focused on the main topic at hand. daniel just nodded and i rolled my eyes.

(i kinda like writing in other point of views tell me what you guys think lol)
riley was so sweet to daniel. just another way to admire her.

we've became friends these past couple of days and it's great. i love how shy she gets around me, and how she always stutters, it's just adorable. also when she blushes, i swear my heads going to explode from too much cuteness.

"adrien?" she snapped me out of my thoughts, but i didn't mind, "l-let's start practicing?"

"sure riles," i smile earning a giggle from her. i walk over and put my hand on her waist as we practice a lift. i haven't danced my whole life. to be honest, i don't really like dancing. i mean dancing with riley is fun..but i'm only doing it to make my father happy. see, my mom died when i was younger, and my father blames me for it...so i do everything to make him happy.

we finish the light perfectly and i gently set her down, "okay i think t-that was good, wanna r-run through it again?" she blushed.

"sure," i did the same thing as last time and we did it flawlessly.

after a little while of practicing we got 50% of the dance made, and it was pretty good. she was an amazing dancing. i'm surprised that kate didn't put her on the competitive team, she would've been the best.

"well that's e-enough for today," riley said out of breath as she tried to hide her blush, even though i could totally see it, i brushed it off.

"wanna go to java junction?" i suggest and her blush got even bigger.

"s-sure, y-yeah that'd be c-cool," she said shyly and i chuckled.

i got a date with riley!! - err sort of have a date with riley. she just doesn't know it? or no - she doesn't consider it a date? i don't know, but i sure as he'll consider it a date!

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