n i n e t e e n

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i'm woken up at about 1:30 from my phone ringing, i instantly think it's my mom to i answer as fast as i could.

"how's piper?!" i said almost yelling.

"i don't know james, it's emily," she replied. ugh i was hoping it was mom saying piper was awake..

"oh...why are you calling me so late?" i sighed.

"it's about riley, you told me you would take care of her james."

"i know and i was a dick. i'm suffering from what i did, everything is working itself out though so don't worry."

"no, that's not just it. there's something wrong."

"what?" i suddenly put my full attention into this conversation, what's wrong with my riley?

i toss and turn in jakes bed for a while. he's fast asleep but i just can't seem to get comfortable. i quickly get up and make my way to the bathroom, i was my face and then look at myself in the mirror like i just did hours ago. i still look horrible.

i take off jakes shirt and put on one of my own. i don't know why i did it, i just felt like i had too? a few minutes later i heard a knock on the door, and since i'm the only one awake, i obviously had to answer it.

so i open the door and see james there looking very sad? "what's wrong?" i ask as he just stares at me sadly.

"please tell me you're okay, riles," he replied, completely ignoring my question.

"i-i'm fine james?" i say unsure, because honestly i don't know if i'm fine.

"will you come with me?" he asked.

"um - i guess so?" he just nodded and took me into his bedroom.

i look at him weirdly because i don't know what's going on and judging by his face it doesn't look too good.

"is piper alright?" i ask looking him in the eyes, oh his beautiful eyes that i always get lost in...

"i don't know..but emily called me," he said as i cursed under my breath.

"well i don't see why she did e-everything is fine?"

"no it's not ri..i know what's going on. please tell me why you're doing this to yourself? i know this situation reminds you of your grandmother but that doesn't mean you should hurt yourself."

"i'm not good enough," i mumbled, "you cheated on me because i'm not pretty enough. because i'm not skinny enough. i know so many important things are going on right now and what i'm feeling is irrelevant but i can't help it..if i ever want to get back with you i need to look better for you and act better. i'm sorry i wasn't good enough for you."

"that's were you're wrong riles. you are good enough. i wouldn't trade anyone in the world for you. you are so beautiful, your face and your body - you don't need to change in anyway babe," he began speaking and i couldn't help but blush as the word babe, "i love you and i was just horny and made a mistake. i don't even like ashley because she's nothing compared to you. seeing you with jake and ross and even adrien breaks my heart. i freaking love you riley. i'm sorry for everything i've done to you. i get it if you won't forgive me but i'm not giving up, you're my life baby, i wouldn't exchange a relationship with you for a million dollars."

"i wouldn't either..b-because i love you too,"

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