Part 2

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              Emily partied hard that night. She danced her heart out, even though she promised herself she wouldn't. She reassured herself by saying how it was going to be a while before she got to do this again, with her friends. She was going to be away for the whole summer, with only Kristen to accompany her.

Emily never made impulsive decisions. It just wasn't what she did. She made a plan, thought it through, analyzed the risks and then executed it. The last time she made an impulsive decision led her to living one of the happiest times.

Being in a relationship gave her a feeling of fulfillment and completeness. She always thought relationships are a burden. You had to cater to your partner's wish over yours and when you didn't want to, you had to fight for it.

But Dylan made it all so easy. He respected her choices, knew when she needed space. He knew to push her and when to stop. He knew what her goal in life was and understood it.

Emily let him go. She finally found a guy perfect for her, who understood her so well, and she was foolish enough to let him go.

But now it was time to get him back. 

"You know Em, I knew you'd do it." Brock said as they danced.

"Do what exactly?" Em screamed over the music.

"Go after your man. Knew it, called it." Brock nodded as if he had already predicted.

Emily smirked. "I bet you did Brock. I bet you did. Tell me, was it the same way when you called you and Kim being together forever?"

Brock's face immediately dropped. "Not cool, Em, not cool."

Emily nodded as she bobbed her head to the beat.

It was three am in the morning and they had been dancing for two hours already.

After Kristen had called her uncle up and confirmed Emily's internship, everyone decided they had to party until someone fainted by dancing and/or drinking.

It took a bit of convincing but after considering her grades, Kristen's uncle didn't need much of persuasion.

"So, what's your plan?" Brock asked as he watched Kristen and Chelsea dancing.

"The plan is to have fun." She answered but she knew the question he was asking.

What was the plan when she did go there? Would she approach Dylan? Show up at his apartment? Text him? Call him up? Wait for him to call her up by posting on Social Media about her being in New York?

Emily had no idea what she was going to do but she decided to figure it out after tonight.

Brock looked at her for a moment but then nodded in understanding.

"I think we should call it a night." Brock suggested, pointing at Kristen and Chelsea. "Kristen looks like she's going to pass out anytime."

And it was true. Kristen didn't look in her senses. She was flaying her arms around and rubbing against random guys while dancing which wasn't what she'd normally do.

Kristen Williams was always the type of girl who's think before she acted, quite similar to Emily. She'd date guys casually but only have a serious relationship with a few.

She was the girl who looked put together. Like she had her life figured out. And knowing Kristen, she did.

Chelsea patted Kristen. "Sweetie, let's go home. You are going to pass out soon." She tugged Kristen along in the car and Emily, being the designated driver, made sure everyone had their seat belts on.

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