Part 5

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           Hydrangeas. Who would have thought her favorite flower would have been hydrangeas? Or that her favorite author was Jennifer Egan.

She was a bundle of little surprises and Dylan adored everything about her.

He even adored how she dipped her fries in mudpie flurry even though he thought it was disgusting.

Dylan was floating in this bubble of joy called Keira and he didn't want to leave. He didn't expect to feel something even close to what he was feeling so soon but he couldn't help it.

He felt lighter than he had in months and just hopefully, he was starting to forget.

From Keira:
                 His mind was indeed my library, and whenever it was opened to me, I entered bliss

Dylan read the message twice and tried to think if he ever read this anywhere.

He was still in thoughts when he ran into his friend Marcus.

"So, Chyler told Leigh who told Taylor who then told Mia that you are dating the waitress from that Cafe." Marcus said.

Dylan blinked a couple of times, trying to repeat the sentence in his mind.

"Your point being?" Dylan kept on walking.

"So it's true then? Saint Dylan finally hooking up. Everyone here thought you would die a celibate after breaking up with your ex." Marcus accompanied him, even though his class was on the opposite side.

"I'm not hooking up with her. We just started going out. It's been like, three weeks."  Dylan stood outside his class door.

"But Lucy told Charlotte who told Missy who then told Layla that Amanda saw you at the same restaurant everyday."

"Where do you get all this gossip from?" Dylan asked, shocked.

Marcus shrugged. "As always you see but not observe, Watson." He said.

Dylan rolled his eyes as he looked into his phone.

"Well Marcus, as fun as this was, I need to get going now." Dylan said as he turned around, leaving Marcus to be.

His cousin Jake was in town. Jake Castle was coming in all the way from UCLA where he was studying Business as his major.  Getting a full ride because of his scholarship was something Jake always expected but studying Business was a surprise, given his natural inclination to History. 

Dylan walked away from Marcus, internally face-palming himself, not believing the ridicule that was the gossip train. When did people even have time to think so much about others? Didn't they have dreams to achieve?

"Hello there Mr.Writer. How you doing Bud?" Jake said as he saw Dylan walking into the bar. Dylan smiled as he looked at his cousin. Chiseled jaw line and a lean, muscular stature was something everyone expected from Football player but what set Jake apart that he radiated a sense of calm and confidence to everyone around him.

He'd come long way from the guy who messed around with two girls in high school. He had his life together now, working towards a steady goal. 

"Hey. You been waiting long?" Dylan asked as he got up on the bar stool.  No sooner had he kept his phone on the bar counter, that it buzzed it twice.

"Nah dude. Just ordered beer." Jake said, looking towards his half empty beer bottle. 

Dylan smirked as he motioned the bartender for a beer.  

"So, how's UCLA? Still hot?" Dylan asked. 

"I'm loving it. I feel like this is where I'm meant to be, you know? I fit right in. I don't have to act strong and confident, you know? There's no facade. Everyone is just themselves. Perhaps it could look pretentious to others, everyone hanging out at expensive joints and talking about going on wallstreet but that's just what it is the common goal, you know? Something to want. Something to have. It just feel..right." Jake sighed, with a content smile as he took another big gulp from his bottle, finishing it. He motioned the bartender for another bottle.

Dylan's phone buzzed as he looked at Jake. 

"That sounds great. However, you are looking a bit stressed. Working long nights?" He looked intently at Jake, noticing the dark circles underneath his eyes, suggesting sleep deprivation. 

Jake chuckled as he nodded. 

"So who's texting you so much? Found someone here?" Jake pointed towards the phone lighting up. 

"Ah, yeah. Sort of. I don't know. It's new." Dylan shrugged as he made note of Jake's topic change. 

"Go on. Tell me about her. I'm intrigued. I didn't expect you to move on from Emily so soon." He confessed. Emily had broken Dylan's spirit. Poor guy was lost and Jake felt helpless, being on the other side of the country.

"Maybe that's because she is the complete opposite of her." Dylan said, not mentioning her name.

"Is that her?" Jake asked as Dylan's phone started ringing. 

Dylan laughed as he picked up the call. 

Jake was drinking his beer as he saw Dylan's face go pale. 

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